6 Ways to Know If You’re a Toxic Person in a Relationship (and What to Do About It)

When you’re looking for a “toxic relationship,” all the best results are focused on identifying unhealthy or harmful signs in the other person, not you. After all, it’s easy to point fingers and diagnose other people’s toxic behavior. What’s harder is looking in the mirror for a long time to acknowledge that you’re the one causing the problems in the relationship. How can you know if you are toxic and what can you do to change that?

First, understand that your negative behavior most likely comes from feelings of insecurity. You may have underlying power issues, a fear of abandonment, or a tendency to self-sabotage, especially if you’ve been hurt in a past relationship. Toxic behavior doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person, but it’s important to recognize these behaviors that can hurt others (and in turn hurt yourself).

Here are some of the main signs that you are a toxic person in a relationship, and what you can do about it.


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