How to Paint a Brick

The beauty of brick as a richly colored building material is that if you like that color, you don’t have to mess around with paint, wallpaper, or other wall coverings. But if the color of the brick inside or outside of your home isn’t exactly what you would choose yourself, there’s a relatively easy and permanent way to change that. Here’s what you need to know about brick staining.

The difference between staining, whitewashing and painting bricks

Before you start painting a brick, make sure that’s what you want to do with it, and not whitewash or paint. While all three can be used both indoors and outdoors, that’s where the similarities end. Here are the main differences between staining, whitewashing and painting bricks:

Brick coloring

  • The stain is absorbed into the brick (and into all the nooks and crannies), effectively painting it in a different color.
  • Instead of looking like it’s been painted over, coloring the brick gives the impression that the wall was originally built with bricks of that color (or at least that’s the purpose).
  • Works best on a brick that is completely or barely damaged, without a lot of patching.

Brick whitewashing

  • The end product is a muting or bleaching of the natural color of the brick, which you can control depending on the thickness of the whitewash.
  • A mixture of slaked lime, salt and water
  • Retains the original surface and texture of the brick.

Brick painting

  • The goal is to change the color of the surface of the brick (or at least the visible part)
  • Usually 100% latex paint is used.
  • The paint does not soak into the texture of the brick, so it forms a smooth, thick coating.
  • Since it does not adhere as well to brick as wood stain or whitewash, it requires more frequent maintenance.

If you really want to paint your brick, we’ll walk you through the process below.

How to paint a brick

The amount of time and effort you put into this project depends a lot on the condition of your brick and how dark you want the stain to be. Here’s what to do:

clear brick

In order for the stain to fully penetrate the brick, the brick must be clean.

If you’re painting bricks indoors , fill a bucket with warm water and a little TSP or mild detergent and use a nylon bristle brush to scrub the area, starting at the top and working your way down.

Then, using as little water as possible, rinse the brick. Before you begin, cover all furniture and flooring with plastic to minimize clutter. Let the brick dry for 24 hours before moving on.

Clean the exterior brick with a pressure washer set to 1000 psi . Be careful not to damage the brick as you walk.

Fix all damaged bricks

When cleaning bricks, you may have come across some areas that require minor repairs, such as mortar that has deteriorated over time. If so, make any necessary repairs , then let the grout dry for a few days.

Protect the Neighborhood

When you’re ready to paint, take the time to cover all nearby surfaces—floor, driveway, furniture, plants and shrubs, etc.—that you want to protect. If the brick wall you’re painting has a window, a fireplace, or something else that can’t be removed, cover it with plastic wrap and tape.

Mix and paint

First, mix the dye according to the manufacturer’s instructions, which will likely involve mixing the pigment and thinner in a can (they may separate over time) and then (possibly) diluting the dye with a bit of water (depending on the type you are using). using).

Now it’s time for coloring. Use an interior brush, dip it into the stain and apply to the brick in smooth, overlapping, even coats . Depending on the temperature and humidity, as well as the thickness of the stain layer(s), it should dry and harden within about a day.

For smaller outdoor areas, you can use the method above (with the addition of a roller if that makes sense). But for large exterior walls, you’ll save a lot of time by using a spray gun.

If you go this route, fill the spray gun with the paint mixture and apply it to the brick from a distance of about 12 inches at a slight angle. Spray it onto the brick from left to right in smooth, even strokes. Touch up any imperfections. area with the brush, and let the wall dry.

Ideally, you’ll want to make another pass – this time spraying from top to bottom – to cover it in both directions. But if that’s not possible, or if you don’t want the color to get darker, you can stop there. Otherwise, continue the process of applying the stain in one direction, let it dry, and then apply another layer in the opposite direction until you get the desired color.


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