How to Use Resistance Bands Without Hurting Your Hands

Resistance bands are versatile, portable, and can provide strong enough resistance for a variety of exercises, making them a valuable addition to your gym bag. Unfortunately, one of the best styles of straps are long and strong, with no handles, which can mean they are uncomfortable to hold.

You might be tempted to buy grips only with handles, but the ones that come without handles are more versatile: you can use them with a barbell, stretch them on a rack, or use them as accessory grips for pull-ups and push-ups. Therefore, finding a solution that keeps your hands comfortable when using these straps may be a better option than buying different straps. Here are a few things to try:

Use gloves

I’m usually not a fan of wearing gloves in the gym, as you can develop grip strength better with bare hands, but this is one of those times where gloves really make sense. Fingerless gloves may not protect your fingers well enough, so consider a pair of regular work or gardening gloves.

Use a towel

For an even easier solution than bringing a special pair of gloves with you, you can wrap a towel around the part of the strap you are going to hold. This can be a little tricky, especially if you’re doing a two-handed exercise where you need to wrap two separate areas of tape, but the convenience of avoiding extra equipment can be worth it.

Use a hook or thick handle

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a handle that you could put on the exercise band that needs it and then take it off? While regular expander handles don’t work very well, there are products made specifically for this type of expander, such as these hook grips .

Or use a fat grip. (Fat Gripz is one brand name, but there are other products that do the same thing.) on the. But because they slip easily over anything you want to hold, they are perfect for bands, as shown in this video .


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