22 Sci-Fi Thrillers to Watch After the Sandman

After seemingly endless false starts, Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman graphic novel is finally coming to Netflix this week. Gaiman’s work has never been easily transferred to the screen, but when the process works, it gives us unique films like Coraline and Stardust , and series like Good Omens and the occasional brilliant American Gods . The story of Morpheus – the literal personification of dreams – recently escaped from the long imprisonment of humans, the Sandman may surpass them all in his bizarre, Gaymanian oddity. It’s a rich, layered and lengthy story that rightfully made the writer a superstar… so let’s hope Netflix (and Gaiman, who was heavily involved) pulls it off.

Meanwhile, the Dream of the Endless stories aren’t the only stories that straddle the line between horror and dark fantasy. The best filmmakers know that even our good dreams contain the seeds of nightmares: the unsettling feeling that logic has fallen away and that the rules of the waking world no longer apply. Here are 22 films caught in that strange space in between.


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