The Best Workouts for Hot Weather

Exercising in the heat can be frustrating, so you already know how to exercise outdoors early in the morning or late at night, stay hydrated, and do all the other good things . But what if you have a safe corner and are ready to handle the heat? Here are our best ways to stay active when it’s muggy outside.

Swimming (of course)

Pools are a great place to be on a hot day, but they aren’t necessarily just for swimming and relaxing. Find a lap pool and practice freestyle (or backstroke, or whatever you prefer). If you haven’t been swimming in a while, do some technical exercises and board cardio. If you are a more experienced swimmer, do a full workout.

Canoeing or kayaking

Going out on the water on a human ship is a great combination of heat and coolness. The sun will scorch you ( don’t forget your sunscreen), but you can also dip your feet in the water every chance you get. In a kayak, it’s easy for me to convince myself that the sweat running down my back is really just a spray of lake water. Better yet, try yoga with a paddle . You will probably fall at least once – freshen up!


It’s free and you can do it anywhere. We are more flexible when our muscles are warmed up, which is one of the reasons why hot yoga is so satisfying. Take your yoga mat outside on a humid day and imagine you just paid $20 for the privilege. (Also, enjoy knowing you’re not supporting the practice’s troubled founder .) Watch a yoga video of your choice, or try the good old stretch .


The higher the intensity of your exercise, the more you raise your body temperature. For example, running will be hotter than walking. So use this opportunity to go slower and take a look at some picturesque and shady place. Walking in the woods is a great alternative to running on a track.

To ride a bike

Sweat is our body’s way of cooling us down, but it needs evaporation to work. That’s why it’s so nice to sit in front of a box fan, even if the fan blows air at the same temperature as the air around us: the fast-moving air helps sweat evaporate on our skin.

The gust of wind you feel on your face when you ride your bike does the same. Emphasize the contrast with the hills (struggle up, cruise down) or just find a flat road where you can maintain a good pace.

Strength training with long rest

If you usually do circuit or CrossFit-style workouts that keep your heart rate up, take the time to do a gym workout that only focuses on strength. Lift something heavy enough, you’ll need a break after a few reps, and then sit down (in front of a fan or air conditioner if possible) for a good three to five minutes . You deserve it.


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