You Must Freeze Liquid From Chickpeas

When it comes to chickpeas and aquafaba, liquid and legumes are two completely different inhabitants of the same jar. Just because you used chickpeas in your salad doesn’t mean you crave those fluffy pancakes that same day (but you can on Saturday). If you have leftover aquafaba – or when you’re eating chickpeas and are about to drain the liquid – stop your hand. Freezes incredibly well.

Aquafaba has gained a lot of popularity since its surprisingly effective replacement for beaten egg whites was discovered in 2014 (read more about the history here ). However, it has more uses than Pavlov’s party trick. It’s a great vegan ingredient that can thicken soups or bind and aerate baked goods like muffins and the aforementioned fluffy pancakes.

I am not a vegan and most often use eggs in baked goods, but I often use aquafaba to thicken soups and sauces. It has some components similar to eggs, such as albumins and globulins , and its starches give extra viscosity to broths. It took me some practice to stop draining the chickpeas, but I developed a habit of freezing leftover aquafaba. Whenever I’m making soup and broth doesn’t hurt , I can easily turn to the freezer.

American Test Kitchen suggests freezing food in ice cube trays , but I usually only freeze one can at a time, and just under half a cup isn’t enough for a whole tray. Instead, I freeze the aquafaba in a small plastic container (about 4 oz square) and then pour the brick into a freezer bag for long-term storage. Sometimes I have two or three cubes at a time ready for my next soup or sauce. If you choose to split it into an ice cube tray, be sure to fluff or lightly shake the liquid from the chickpeas before pouring. Aquafaba is heterogeneous in nature, so it helps distribute albumin and globulin particles evenly before freezing.

Aquafaba keeps frozen for up to four months . If you’re worried that aquafaba won’t work as well after spending some time in an ice box, put your fears aside. Freezing does not destroy or spoil the starches that are responsible for its excellent whipping properties, and according to America’s Test Kitchen, the frozen and thawed versions work just as well as before. Defrost aquafaba by placing the cubes in a bowl in the fridge overnight or microwave for a minute or two, depending on the size of the cube. If you’re using it in a soup or sauce, just toss the frozen piece straight into the pot with everything else.


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