Don’t Do This When Cleaning Your Glasses.

For the most part, people wear glasses to improve their eyesight. They go through all the “which is better, A or B?” routine with your optometrist to find the right prescription, choose your frames, eventually coax them into a few specialty coatings… and then clean their soiled lenses with the bottom of your shirt.

Do not do that. Avoid other common mistakes when cleaning glasses.

Using the wrong material to wipe them

When you notice something on your lenses, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, so it makes sense to grab the first thing you see to wipe it down. But in most cases this is not a good idea. Here are a few materials to avoid :

  • Your shirt, sleeve, or other piece of clothing : These can scratch your lenses and make them dirtier.
  • Paper towels, napkins or toilet paper . In addition to being clogged with lint, lenses can also scratch them.

Instead of any of these, wipe the lenses with a microfiber cloth.

Using the wrong cleaning agent

When it comes to your glasses, not just any cleaner will do. Here are some of them to avoid :

  • Acetone nail polish remover : This powerful chemical can damage your lenses.
  • Saliva : Not only is this unhygienic, but it can make stains on your lenses even worse.
  • Household glass or surface cleaners : These products contain ingredients that can damage lenses and their expensive coatings.

Instead, use a special lens cleaner spray or lotion-free dishwashing detergent (and then rinse it off) to remove smudges, smudges, or any other dirt from your lenses.

Of course, more than just contamination can happen to your glasses. Here’s what to do if your lenses are scratched , and finally, here are a few ways to keep your glasses from fogging up while wearing a face mask.


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