Can You Ever Walk Your Dog in a Graveyard?

Cemeteries are no longer just for the dead, grieving and nervous teenagers. As more and more cities rethink the role of their cemeteries in public life , your local cemetery can be a great quiet place for a stroll, jog, or even a picnic. Notably absent from this list of useful activities: Walking the dog.

While you personally might think that any cemetery ghosts would welcome your puppy’s visit, the vast majority of cemeteries in the United States have a clear “no dogs allowed” policy (with the exception of service animals), and for good reason: most people don’t go with dogs. I don’t want dogs peeing and pooping on or near the graves of their loved ones, and chances are good that nature will call at least once during your walk among the tombstones. If your puppy happens to be doing his business on someone’s real tombstone or tombstone, you’ll look like an incorrigible asshole, especially if you forgot poop bags at home.

Potential grave contamination is not the only reason to keep dogs out of cemeteries. Our canine companions are not just cuddly friends; they can also be talented escapers, ditch-diggers, thieves, chewers, and resource protectors. To a dog, grave offerings (especially soft toys) can look like fun toys, and people who have come to mourn it can look like new friends or, worse, potential threats. Are you ready to explain to a stranger why your dog ate the stuffed rabbit they just placed on Grandma’s grave? I don’t even have a dog and I’m sweating a little just thinking about it.

When can I walk the dog in the cemetery

With that in mind, there are some exceptions to the “no dogs in graveyard” rule of thumb. Some cities have included their cemeteries in their parks program, treating them more as public green spaces than as places reserved for private reflection. In one of these cemeteries, dogs may be allowed or even encouraged. For example, the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C. has a members-only off-leash dog walking program (with a 4-5 year wait list, according to their website ). Checking if dogs are allowed in your cemetery is easy: look for the sign at the entrance, or if it’s not, check the website. Any dog ​​policy will be clearly posted in both locations.

Of course, there’s technically nothing stopping you from ignoring the “no dogs” signs and bringing your own anyway. You can get away with it; could you. An awkward confrontation with a mourner is the most likely form of opposition, but don’t discount the possibility of a life ban or interaction with the police – respect is still a big deal in cemeteries and people don’t treat them very well. etiquette violations.


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