Chrome 103 Best New Features for IPhone

Earlier this week, we took a look at Chrome 103 and all the new features Google has added to the latest version of its desktop web browser. As it turns out, the company has also updated its Chrome app for iOS to version 103. However, this isn’t a copy-and-paste scenario: Chrome 103 for iPhone introduces some unique new features for the platform that are worth spending time on.



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If you’re browsing the App Store on your iPhone, you’ll find plenty of web browser options besides Safari. If you prefer to use Chrome, it can be downloaded, but not in the same way as on Mac: Apple is forcing all third-party browsers on iOS to use WebKit, the same browser engine that Safari is built on. So Chrome for iOS is actually Google’s version of Safari. However, developers like Google can add fun features for browsers like Chrome that you won’t find in the default iOS option, such as the following options, new for Chrome 103.

New Features in Chrome 103 for iPhone

One impressive update is Chrome’s “Language Identification Mode”: this feature uses machine learning to analyze a website and not only determine what language it’s in, but also figure out if you need it translated into a language. which you understand. This machine learning takes place on the device, which means that none of the translations are done on the servers of Google or third parties. This machine learning method is much more secure, allowing you to translate articles online with more privacy and security.

The three-dot menu in the corner of the screen has a new look, with colorful options like Passwords, Downloads, Recent Tabs, and Settings. You’ll find other options like Refresh, New Tab, and Incognito New Tab in the partially expanded menu, while expanding the window shows others like Bookmark, Add to Reading List, and “Find on page”.

Chrome will let you set camera and microphone permissions for specific websites, not just Chrome itself. This will allow you to enable the camera and microphone for trusted sites and block these tools from others. Also, duplicate new tab pages will be automatically removed and you can now add iCal files to your calendar in Chrome.

You can also look forward to the introduction of Enhanced Safe Browsing on iOS: this add-on interacts with Google Safe Browsing, passing on any suspicious URLs and downloads you come across while browsing. However, this option is not yet available for all users: you will find it under Settings > Google Services . You should also see “Recent Tabs” as an option on refresh, something that also appears on Android.

Of course, like many app updates, Chrome 103 also includes stability and performance improvements.

How to update to Chrome 103 on iPhone

You can update the Chrome app on iPhone to version 103 the same way you update an app on iOS: go to the App Store, tap your profile icon in the top right corner, then drag the page down to update and check for updates. If you see Chrome here, click Refresh. If you see Chrome but the button next to it says “Open”, your app is already up to date.

[ 9to5Google ]


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