Stop Popping Sunburn Blisters

Severe sunburns come with a variety of symptoms and problems, from nausea to bright red skin, and may even require medical attention . They may also have blisters that require their own care and treatment. However, caring for sunburn blisters is tricky. They can be numerous, painful, and fragile. Here’s how to treat them at home.



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Never burst sunburn blisters

You probably already know that you shouldn’t pop blisters or mess around with any damage or cuts, but it’s worth repeating here. The Mayo Clinic is clear on this : when you get a sunburn, “leave the blisters alone.” An intact blister helps the skin heal, while a broken blister will not only be more painful, but will leave your skin even more open to impurities.

Of course, your blisters may burst on their own. Sunburn blisters can be numerous, as you can see in the photo above, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to keep them all intact throughout the day. If crackling occurs, Mayo recommends trimming away the dead skin with clean (but small) scissors, then gently washing the area with mild soap and water. Next comes an antibiotic ointment and a band-aid to keep any germs out of that fresh, damaged skin.

How to Treat Sunburn Blisters

According to Healthline, sunburns can dehydrate you, and dehydration can actually prevent blisters from healing. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and all the annoying side effects that come with it. ( Drinking more water in general is just good practice.)

For relief, apply cold, wet compresses, which Healthline says can “take some of the heat off your skin.” Be careful with compresses; do not use rough cloths or apply too much pressure to avoid accidentally popping a blister. Instead, use soft movements, direct pressure, and the softest fabric you can find.

You can apply an aloe moisturizer, but again, do it gently, and you can take ibuprofen to reduce swelling and general discomfort. Importantly, you should keep the blistering areas in the sun until they disappear.

Eventually, the blisters will heal and you will probably get flaky too. Avoid this fate next time by wearing a high SPF sunscreen and covering your skin in the sun whenever possible.


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