7 Deadly Sins of a Colleague

Everyone hates the people they work with*: 90% of Americans report having an annoying co-worker , and nearly 60% of us have considered leaving or actually quit because of an annoying co-worker.

There’s really nothing you can do about other people who don’t live up to standards other than learning how to deal with them , so the trick is to make sure you’re not the problem. If you notice that people at your job are excluding you from water cooler or replicator gatherings (if you’re on a Starfleet ship), you can start to behave less horribly by evaluating whether you’re doing one of these things. sins. There are 43,810 other reasons co-workers annoy you that I couldn’t list, so asking a manager or mentor to honestly assess your flaws in the workplace takes real courage.

*Of course I don’t hate my colleagues. They are all talented and fantastic people (except for one that I can’t stand).


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