How to Remove Stubborn Stains From White Dishes

In addition to being a blank canvas for your meals, white tableware has also been a favorite over the years for its clean look. So when stubborn stains appear on them—through aging, wear, or certain foods—they can lose some of their appeal. Here are a few ways to bring them back to their original color (or at least close to it).

Baking soda

Whether you’re dealing with metallic scuffs or deep stains, baking soda can help. Pour a decent amount of baking soda onto the surface of a plate or dish, then add a few drops of water. Stir, spread evenly on a plate and leave for a few minutes. Finally, use a cloth to scrub away the stains until they are gone.

Cream of tartar

Don’t have baking soda? Instead, you can use the same technique above using cream of tartar .


Imagine that your dirty white plate is a giant tooth. Take a (clean) toothbrush, apply some toothpaste containing baking soda, and brush the surface. Add more toothpaste as needed. When the stains are gone, rinse the plate thoroughly.


For stains that refuse to budge, you may need a longer approach. One option is to find a container with a lid, large enough to keep your plate or dish completely submerged in water, and then add as much peroxide as needed to cover it. Then cover the container with a lid, leave overnight and check in the morning.

If the stain is still there, keep the plate in the container until it disappears, adding peroxide as needed. The process can take two to four weeks for particularly stubborn stains, but on the other hand, there is no need for effort.


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