13 Things Bleach Can Do Besides Remove Stains

We all know that bleach is great for stain removal and disinfection. Its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, rapidly attacks and denatures proteins in microorganisms, killing bacteria, fungi and viruses. And according to the American Cleaning Institute , it’s the oxidizing properties of bleach that turn unwanted dyes and colors (also known as stains) into colorless, soluble particles that can be easily washed off. Careful!

But how often do you buy a full-size bottle of bleach only to use it on one or two stains and then put the rest away in the closet for a few months? After you’ve sanitized your toilet and whitened your whites, here’s how you can put this inexpensive cleaner to other uses in your home. (Always protect your eyes and use gloves in a well-ventilated area.)


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