Everything You Never Thought You Need to Know About Ear Infections in Adults

Some medical incidents are inextricably linked to childhood experiences: children often vomit for some reason, their knees are skinned , their tonsils are removed, they have ear infections. Of course, this can happen to adults too, but much less frequently. However, because some illnesses are so closely associated with children, it may take some time before an adult recognizes the symptoms their body is showing. Ear infections are a great example of this.

You can get an ear infection as an adult, but if you’re stuck with the idea that it only happens to children, you may want to postpone the test. Let’s avoid this possibility by discovering the symptoms and causes of ear infections in adults.

Can adults get ear infections?

They definitely can. I texted a friend about writing this article and she told me she had it right now but it took weeks to get to the doctor because she figured there was no way this could happen to someone in their 30s . The problem did not go away because she misdiagnosed what it might be and refused to seek treatment; during this time it got worse.

Children get ear infections more easily than adults because their Eustachian tubes are small, short, and parallel to the ground while they are developing, so they don’t drain very well, as doctors at the Woodstock Family Practice and Emergency Medical Center in Georgia explain on their website. well. Mucus builds up, possibly due to a cold or an allergy, and bacteria “open shop and infect tissues.”

Your Eustachian tubes are more developed than they once were (congratulations!), but that doesn’t make you immune.

What are the types and symptoms of an ear infection in adults?

Here are the types of ear infections you can get:

  • Inner ear infection
  • middle ear infection
  • outer ear infection

Each of them has its own set of symptoms. For example, with an inner ear infection, you may experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or hearing loss . Problems in the inner ear can also be a sign of something more serious, like meningitis, so check if you have these symptoms.

For middle ear infections, watch for fever or hearing problems. Fluid can leak out of your ears if the infection progresses to a ruptured eardrum, which can cause sudden hearing loss. According to Healthline, this tends to heal on its own. They can be caused by colds or respiratory problems.

External ear infections can be signaled by an itchy rash on the outer part of the ear. Your ear may be sore, tender, red, or swollen. You may also hear them referred to as “swimmer’s ear” because outer ear infections often start when water is left in the ear after swimming or swimming. Next come the bacteria. Bacterial infections can also start when the outer ear is scratched or irritated.

It is important to monitor these symptoms to avoid permanent hearing loss or spread of infection to other parts of the head. Prompt treatment can usually nip the infection in the bud, so don’t worry too much – just see your doctor.

What factors influence whether you get an ear infection?

The size and slope of your Eustachian tubes play a role here, but you’d be forgiven if you’re not very familiar with these features. However, some factors you may be aware of include smoking or secondhand smoke, allergies (seasonal or year-round), or developing a cold or upper respiratory infection.

So, if you have any of the above symptoms and you smoke, have allergies, or have had a cold, consider that you might have an ear infection.

To prevent ear infections, dry your ears thoroughly when they get wet, consider quitting smoking, and always do your best to manage cold or allergy symptoms.

How are ear infections in adults treated?

According to Healthline , ear infections can go away on their own after a few days, but if your ear pain doesn’t go away after a few days, see your doctor, especially if you have a fever. Fluid leaking from the ear or hearing loss are also signs that you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

When you get to the doctor, it will be very similar to what you remember from childhood: the doctor looks into your ear with an otoscope, perhaps even using a pneumatic one to inflate some air into it to see how your eardrum reacts. Expect you can also get a hearing test.

For an internal infection, you will most likely be prescribed some antibiotics, although there is no guarantee that you will receive that delicious pink liquid medicine that you used before. Sorry, growing up sucks.

Middle ear infections are also likely to require you to take antibiotics, although these can also be given with ear drops and not just by mouth. Your doctor may also ask you to pick up over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-inflammatories, as well as decongestants or antihistamines, if you are still experiencing cold or allergy symptoms.

If you have an outer ear infection and your doctor determines it is a bacterial infection, guess what? More antibiotics. You should also thoroughly clean the outer ear and apply antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the infection is fungal, expect an antifungal medication.


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