The Formula for the Perfect Vegetarian Sandwich

Vegetarian sandwiches can be disappointing, especially if you order them in meat establishments. Too often, the default is a single buttery cap of portobello mushroom with chopped raw vegetables and perhaps a slice of cheese. Often there are sprouts.

Whether you’re trying to cut out meat or just eat more vegetables, making a good veggie sandwich can be a challenge, especially if you’ve never had a good, well-thought-out veggie sandwich to model your own on. Luckily, sandwich lovers at Eater asked a couple of sandwich experts — Chef Peter Lemos of the Wax Paper Company in Los Angeles and Chef Andrew Magee of Martha Kensington in Philadelphia — for tips and tricks on making really delicious veggie sandwiches.

Both chefs shared some great tips for making sandwiches and offered several options for spreads, pickles, and seasonings, but what I remember most is the handy sandwich formula at the end of the article:

If you’re not too creative, Magee has a simple formula for making the perfect veggie sandwich. It’s easy to remember: add something spicy like a vinaigrette or pickles, something fried like charred carrots or fried sweet potatoes, and something very fresh like crispy radishes or zucchini. Using this method as a sandwich algorithm, you can make a killer veggie sandwich with just about any ingredient.

The combination of tangy, toasted and fresh ingredients will result in an attractive, balanced sandwich that will help you use ingredients that you may not have considered traditional sandwich filling. The obvious choice is yesterday’s roasted veggies, but something like a starchy sweet potato might have eluded you earlier.

I only have one change to the formula above and that is adding something fatty , especially if your fried item is lean and green. A little avocado, a healthy helping of vegan sauce, some hummus, or even a dab of olive oil will make your sandwich more hearty and satisfying. (And yes, you can add some cheese if needed. Just don’t use it as a crutch .)


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