19 Easiest Flowers to Grow From Seeds (for Those Who Always Kill Plants)

Whether you have a sprawling yard or a fire escape pot collection, all gardeners share a passion for color. The vibrant flowers exploding into gorgeous blooms are not only an exciting sign of warmer weather, but also a great addition to any horticultural project, and provide food for our beleaguered pollinating insects, as well as great raw material for bouquets and flower arrangements for decoration. our houses.

Many people choose to purchase mature plants from garden centers or large stores and transplant them into their home gardens. It’s a quick and convenient way to start a blooming garden, but it’s also the most expensive way to get it done (besides having to pay a team of people to just do it for you). If you want to add some vibrant color to your garden with a little more effort and a little less money, consider growing flowers from seed.

Seeds are incredibly cheap, but it takes a little more persuasion and work before you have a beautiful shade-filled garden. If you want to make it as easy as possible, all you have to do is think about the flowers you choose because some flowers are easier to grow from seed than others. Here are 19 of the easiest to get started.


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