How to Quickly Hide What You’ve Been Watching on Your IPhone or Android

Look, we’re not here to judge. The Internet is a big space offering all types of content for all types of people. What you search, watch and do on the World Wide Web is between you, your ISP and Google. However, if you’re not careful, your browsing history can become known to the wrong people in your life.

Of course spies will have a field day if they are somehow allowed to dive into your unedited search history. But it doesn’t take much to blow your cover – sometimes even a single letter typed into the search box is enough to reveal your past endeavors. Typing “C” into Google might return “Look what weird shit THIS guy got himself into!” if you know what I mean. You can spend the day explaining yourself or you can delete your browsing history.

For some, deleting your browsing history is secondary when using the Internet. However, it’s a tedious job: dive into your search history, find the “delete” option, choose the duration of the deletion, then go back to browsing to gather more evidence for later deletion. Google has implemented features to make your life a little easier by offering an “Auto Delete” option to erase your history every three, 18, or 36 months.

However, for many internet explorers, this time frame just doesn’t fit. You need to remove the evidence, stat. Google hears you (they always listen) and offers you an easy way to remove traces from your account.

The fastest way to delete Google history on iPhone and Android

This feature is called ” Delete last 15 minutes ” and does exactly what its name says: when you select it, this option will delete the last 15 minutes of your browsing history from your Google account. Google first rolled out this feature on its iOS app last year, but the feature is now available on Android as well.

To access it, open the Google app on your iPhone or Android, then tap your profile in the top right corner. In the “Search History” section, you will see a new option “Delete the last 15 minutes”. All you need to do is click on it and Google will get to work. If for some reason you regret your last minute decision, you can click Cancel on the pop-up that appears, but in all likelihood, you’d be much better off letting Google erase those 15 minutes.

[ Android Authorization ]


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