10 Best Crops to Grow With Kids

As the gardening season approaches, every green finger should be asking themselves the question: what should I plant this year? And if you’re planning on getting kids involved in your gardening process, you might be wondering how best to get them involved and keep them interested. According to HGTV , one of the best ways to fill those short attention spans is to choose plants that germinate quickly and produce crops that require minimal watering and maintenance to survive.

Julia Watkins, creator of Just Living Well and author ofGardening for Everyone: Growing Vegetables, Herbs, and More at Home , agrees that “kids respond well to quick results.” In addition, she says, “If you watch children carefully, they will show you which cultures they like best. In my home, they gravitate toward plants that can be eaten fresh in the garden , or plants that make planting and harvesting feel like play with .” For a child, “pulling a potato out of the ground is like digging up buried treasure. Pulling carrots out of the pot, especially red, yellow, or purple ones, is like pulling a toy out of a candy bag.”

Here are some of the easiest and healthiest crops to grow with your kids.


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