How to Stick to a Running Routine All Winter

Winter weather can challenge even the most determined and motivated runners. With less daylight, low temperatures, unpredictable wind and slippery conditions, it can be difficult to just walk out the door on some days.

So how can you get the most out of it? While many runners thrive on predictability and a set schedule, winter forces us to be more adaptable. When the changing seasons make training conditions less than ideal, remember that adapting creatively can ultimately make you stronger both mentally and physically.

Before we get into some of the specific challenges winter running can cause, it’s important to start with the basics: layering and pace.

What to wear for a winter run

When you can get outside to work out, wearing the right layers of clothing can solve your winter run problem. Different elements present their challenges, whether it be wind, snow, freezing rain or low temperatures. A warm wool or synthetic base layer is required, along with a suitable lightweight jacket and limb protection.

The longer you are in difficult conditions, the more carefully you need to plan your layers. While hypothermia or overheating may not make a big difference for an easy 30 minute run, it can make a much bigger difference when you’re outside for two or more hours. Practice layering and always consider how warm you will get after the first few miles.

Why Running in Cold Weather is Physically Harder

Yes, even if you are ideally dressed for such conditions, running in cold weather will be harder. It’s not all in your head! Just like running in the heat, running in very cold temperatures is more physiologically taxing compared to the more ideal temperatures of spring and autumn. Your muscles don’t work as efficiently or contract as much in colder temperatures, making your efforts seem harder.

Knowing how to run by feeling is an important skill at any time of the year, but in difficult conditions it becomes even more important. Although your pace may change depending on the weather, pay attention to how you perceive the load during your runs, not the clock. It’s important to adjust your expectations knowing that your pace will improve once the weather improves.

Even if you can run outside most of the winter, there may be times when the weather becomes more extreme or your access to a treadmill or other equipment is limited. Here are some strategies to make the most of these non-routine situations:

When you can’t run outside (and don’t have access to a treadmill)

If the fight against COVID-induced isolation and quarantine has taught us anything, it’s that people can be incredibly creative in small spaces. Runners around the world have been running marathons and ultra distances in tiny apartments during the strictest periods of lockdown. Obviously it’s not ideal, but it can be done. And if you have a big house with stairs, you can practice at height too!

Let’s hope that the restriction at home will only be temporary, and a few days of missed runs will not improve or break your fitness. Even outdoor activities that do not involve running can be beneficial:

  • Walk along the cleared sidewalks.
  • Hike in the snow (of course, in good equipment).
  • Snowshoes through the powder.

But if you’re really stuck indoors, indoor aerobic cross-training such as swimming, running in the pool, elliptical trainer, or cycling will help keep you fit until you can run outdoors again.

Indoor time also provides an opportunity for strength training. Bodyweight exercises such as compound exercises , pushups, and squats can offer many benefits, and we hope you continue to use strength exercises to complement your workouts even when you get back outside to run again.

How to run outside when it’s cold or snowing outside

While snow runs can be unique and beautiful, icy runs can be downright dangerous, especially when visibility is poor. Always think about your safety and do not put yourself at risk!

While repeating the same loop might not be very exciting, using a short, plowed stretch of road near your home can give you a safer place to run. Avoid roads without shoulders and high snowdrifts, as drivers may not see you or avoid you.

Trails can also be fun to explore in the snow, but conditions can vary greatly. Deep snow requires hard work and slow movement, especially in areas with large elevation changes. Expect to be away longer than usual and always take more layers and food with you than you think you’ll need.

If you have access to a treadmill and this is your safest option, do so. While treadmills can be a little boring, they can also be a better option for workouts or faster runs when the weather doesn’t match.

How to stay motivated to run in winter

Even when weather conditions are better than average, winter runs can be challenging. Winter is often the off season for runners, and if you don’t have anything urgent in your running schedule, it can be even harder to get out the door.

Even though free time is essential, skipping whole weeks or months of running can lead to a serious decline in fitness. More importantly, when you pick up pace again, you’re at your greatest risk of running injury , so it’s best to maintain a solid foundation of fitness without sudden jumps in mileage.

While there are ways to help you get started on a cold, dark morning, discipline is always more important than motivation. If you get into the habit of regularly forcing yourself to run outside without any excuse, you will get better over time. This is no longer a question of “if” this happens, but a question of how best to do it.

Sometimes the relief of the first mile is all you need. You can meet up with a friend, get your gear ready the night before, or do a series of fitness exercises to warm up before you start your run. Having late winter or early spring racing on your schedule will also give you a good reason to focus on training.

Winter running can be an opportunity to better adapt to training and develop more discipline and mental resilience. When you run into trouble in cold weather, spring and summer racing will do you good.


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