The Best (and Worst) Colors for Painting Your Front Door

Perhaps you’re thinking about sprucing up your home or preparing your home for sale, and one of the quickest and easiest ways to change the look of your home and instantly enhance its appeal is to paint your front door with a fresh coat of paint. But with thousands of colors to choose from, how can you narrow down your search and pick the one that’s right for you?

Beyond the initial considerations for door materials, the fit of your siding and trim, and any HOA restrictions, Home Depot’s paint department is your oyster, and an overwhelming one at that. Here are some of the biggest winners and losers, according to real estate agents and color psychology.

Black will add the most value to your home

Black is the door color that adds the most value to your home, especially in a modern or traditional home. Zillow estimates that a black door with a glossy or charcoal finish will add $6,200 to your home’s bottom line. If black is not your thing? According to Homes and Gardens , “A bright color that contrasts with a neutral exterior—from buttery yellow to brick red—is recommended by real estate agents to enhance appeal.” On the other hand, for a red brick home, a lighter shade such as blue or turquoise can provide a beautiful contrast.

What does the color of your front door say about your home?

Of course, the best color is the one you like the most, but here is the first impression your door color makes on neighbors and potential buyers:

Red : Red is a powerful color that is not afraid to be the center of attention. It conveys confidence, courage and quiet strength. While bright red indicates excitement and brightness, darker red conveys warmth. In Asian cultures, a red door symbolizes joy, good luck and prosperity. (Although the lower part of the red color is a feeling of dominance or aggression.)

Blue : Blue is associated with the vastness of the sky and the sea. The blue door symbolizes freedom, depth, sincerity and wisdom. Of course, there are many different shades; light blue means health, tranquility and friendliness, dark blue means knowledge and honesty, and royal blue means prosperity and positivity.

White : White traditionally indicates peacefulness and purity. A white front door conveys peace, organization, serenity and simplicity.

Black : Classic, modern, sleek and sophisticated, a black door goes with everything and conveys a sense of order, control and authority.

Green : Green symbolizes life, renewal, peace, tranquility and security. It promotes a sense of security, health and community. Bright green conveys energy and excitement.

Grey : While dark charcoal gray is similar to black, light gray is associated with intelligence, order, neutrality, maturity, and balance. But beware of potential negative connotations: restraint, indecision, and emotional detachment.

Brown : Brown represents stability, privacy, security, and reliability. But this is also old-fashioned (see below).

Yellow: Although not common, a yellow door speaks volumes. This suggests that you are confident, warm, cheerful, young, curious and fun. It promotes happiness and optimism.

Pink : According to several dozen real estate agents interviewed by Apartment Therapy , pink causes polarization and is far more risky than a neutral color. Warning? On the right home , blush or salmon pink might be exactly what the realtor ordered.

According to The Painting Company , other colors to avoid include: orange, which symbolizes weirdness and lack of sophistication, brown, which looks “outdated, gloomy and simple”, and pale green because it is “soft, dull” and hard padding. with other colors.


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