How to Clean a Soda Machine (and Why You Should)

For those who drink enough seltzer to justify the cost (and counter space), soda makers (like SodaStream and beyond) are a convenient way to get their soda hit without having to lug crates of soda from the store. And while it’s certainly a low-maintenance device, you do need to clean the machine to keep it running and not getting dirty. Here’s what you need to know.

How to clean bottles

It’s now possible to get dishwasher-safe plastic and glass bottles for use with soda makers, but if you’re using a bottle that came in the box, chances are it can only be washed by hand. If this is the case (or you don’t have a dishwasher), cleaning the bottles is pretty easy. Oh, and technically you should wash the bottle after every use . (We’ll just leave it there.)

Regular/maintenance cleaning

Start by checking all washing instructions from the bottle manufacturer. Once you realize you threw them away right away, rinse the bottle with warm water and then fill it about two-thirds full. Add a small drop of dishwashing liquid, put on the lid and shake the bottle to make it nice and soapy. Leave it like this for 15-20 minutes, then rinse again… and again, and again, or until the soap is gone.

If there is still residue in the bottle (from soap or hard water), use a soft bottle brush to gently clean the inside – just be sure not to use too hard bristles or too much force because you don’t want to scratch the bottle and give bacteria an extra place to live. Finally, dry the bottle upside down on a dish dryer or similar, making sure that the opening is not flat against the surface (to allow air to enter).

To get rid of the smell

Noticed a musty smell coming from your bottle? Maybe the grooves into which the top screws are screwed? This is caused by bacterial growth and it may take a little more effort to start smelling fresh again. Also: if you notice this smell after washing, there is a good chance you didn’t dry it properly.

To get rid of an unpleasant smell, fill the bottle with warm water, then add the juice of one lemon (about two or three tablespoons), shake and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse several times and let dry.

How to clean a soda machine

It’s pretty simple. If your car is electric, unplug it. Otherwise, you can get down to business, in this case wiping the outside of the soda (including the nozzle) with warm water and dish soap. But if you don’t do anything else, clean the nozzle – after all, this is the part that goes straight into the water you drink.


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