How Long Can You Wait Before Updating Your Phone?

When the first iPhone hit the market, I was very suspicious and scoffed at the very idea of ​​a smartphone. When my friend showed off his shiny new phone, I wondered aloud why I needed the ability to simulate drinking beer on the iPhone’s (surprisingly small) screen . Like everyone, I long ago admitted how wrong I was about smartphones – they have become a necessity of modern life, and very useful. But getting on the smartphone train all those years ago also meant getting stuck in the upgrade process—about every two years, smartphone makers introduced their latest models and convinced us that we absolutely must upgrade.

But should we? There was a time when buying a new phone meant a quantum leap forward in terms of technology and features, but that era ended many years ago. Most people today almost certainly don’t need to update their phones every two years, but then when should we? The answer is not as simple as it was a few years ago – today it all depends on your personal preferences and needs.

How important is it to have 5G?

One of the main reasons people justify upgrading their phone is the network it can use. With the rollout of 5G and the shutdown of 3G, it might seem like you’re better off taking your iPhone 8 or Galaxy S9 to the store for a quick sale or being left behind.

But the truth is that updating the network takes a long time. The shutdown of 3G seems ominous, but remember that the 3G network was launched in 2002 , meaning it has been in operation for 20 years. 4G was launched in 2010, so you probably have at least a few years before you have to worry about an outdated network, maybe a whole decade. It’s true that 5G is potentially twice as fast as 4G, but ask yourself if you really need that kind of speed. For most of us, 5G speeds will be “good” not “must have”.

In general, deploying a new network is not an immediate reason to upgrade your phone, unless some aspect of your digital existence requires such speeds. Otherwise, you may live on your current phone for a few more years.

Think how technology has really improved

Of course, each new generation of smartphones offers technological advances, but in recent years, these advances have been underwhelming. The upgrades found in the latest smartphone models can best be described as “gradual”: a smaller notch, a slightly brighter display, and a slightly better camera are not exactly what prompts you to buy a new phone overnight.

And those extra upgrades cost a small fortune. While there is a wide range of smartphones at different price points , the top models currently cost four figures. Given what you get for the money, it’s no longer worth spending money on a new phone just because it’s there. So when considering a phone upgrade that you’ll pay full price for, ask yourself if there really is a technological use case for this purchase.

On the other hand, if your carrier offers you a free upgrade, or if your current phone has a significant trade-in value, upgrading just for the thrill might make more sense.

Consider environmental impact

Another thing to consider when you’re thinking about upgrading your phone is the environmental impact. Every year we generate a huge amount of e-waste – about 25 million tons worth . And this e-waste is difficult to deal with due to the toxic materials it contains. Using your existing phone for as long as possible is one way to cut those losses.

How to know when it’s time to upgrade your smartphone

With all this in mind, there are some clear indications that you should upgrade your phone:

  • Humiliating experience: Smartphones are fragile technology and wear out over time. While I personally have a Galaxy S4 (which I use for various non-essential tasks) that still works, chances are the smartphone will start causing problems in a few years. If your phone isn’t compatible with some of the newer apps, if battery life is an issue, if the touchscreen is less responsive, it might be time to get a new one, assuming the repair cost isn’t too far off the mark. new phone.
  • Updates and security issues. Most phones purchased from carriers only receive updates after a few years, and if your phone is running an older version of iOS or Android, you may no longer receive security updates, which is a major concern.
  • Required features. Only you can decide if you need the new features offered by a new phone. Some people use their phones in their professional lives and can’t afford to use older versions of apps or need a better camera for their work or movies. In addition, your current phone’s memory may fill up, causing apps to load and run slower. You can always free up space on your phone, but if deleting files and finding cloud storage space for your photos and videos is a hassle (or just a boring task), a new phone can solve those problems.
  • Price. Finally, one thing to consider is the cost of your current phone. Right now, it may be worth a few hundred dollars when traded or sold, but that value is dropping. If you’re not sure if you want to upgrade your phone, compare its value to the upgrade cost. If that makes that cost significantly less – or even zero – that’s a good reason to upgrade, especially considering its value will drop over time.

Upgrading your mobile phone is not an automatic decision as it used to be. These days, it all comes down to your specific needs and your current smartphone experience. essence? If you’re not sure if you need an update, there’s nothing wrong with waiting until it arrives. In the meantime , here are our tips on how to make your old smartphone feel like new again .


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