You Need Those Hanging Plants That Are Almost Impossible to Kill

If you’ve ever browsed a plant-focused Instagram account and wondered how a person’s house could look so green and lush, there could be several different explanations for this. The cynical suggest that a person has the financial resources to fill their space with countless plants – and perhaps pay someone else to take care of them – or that the foliage is actually fake.

But there’s another way to achieve this almost overgrown look, with plant tendrils cascading down the sides of a bookshelf: creeping plants. And fortunately, there are many species that are so easy to care for that they are almost impossible to kill. Here’s what you need to know about hanging plants, including a few suggestions for your home.

What are creeping plants?

Even if you’re not familiar with the term, you can probably imagine what hanging plants look like. They have multiple stems that can reach an impressive length and do not root at nodes along the stems . You will often see hanging plants growing in hanging baskets with stems hanging down the sides.

Another popular option is growing in a pot and placing it either on a tall piece of furniture where the stems can hang down as it grows, or on a long, flat, horizontal surface (such as a mantle).

Climbing plants that are easy to care for

Here are some examples of houseplants that are easy to keep alive:

  • Silver or satin pothos : Not only is it stretchy, but it also has cute, heart-shaped leaves. Prefers bright, indirect light, but will tolerate medium light.
  • English ivy: It can do more than cover old brick buildings on East Coast college campuses. When grown indoors, ivy needs bright, indirect sunlight .
  • Philodendron cordifolia : Like the others, it grows best in bright, indirect sunlight. But unlike others, it can also survive indoors with low lighting .
  • Hoya curtisii : It may take longer than expected for the silver spatula-leaved stems to actually start growing into long vines, but it’s well worth it. It needs moisture and a place that gets at least a few hours of bright light a day.
  • Turtle chain : Also known as peperomia procumbent , this semi-succulent likes high humidity and only needs medium light.


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