A Guide to Children’s Culture for Adults Out of Touch With Reality: Who Is Homecoming.dairy?

This week, young people are posting cryptic videos of housework, finding naked men in the trunks of their cars, and virtually riding horses together. It’s a strange and wonderful world.

Mysterious TikToker homecoming.diary

TikTok contains a lot of inexplicable videos, but @homecoming.diary might be the most inexplicable. She answers questions like ” What does a girl do with a skateboard after a workout ?” silently enacting a series of bizarre household rituals. She rides a mini-map through her house. She uses many disposables, such as tiny washing machines and eyeglass sanitizer, for everyday tasks. It always snows or rains in her hallway. She has male legs. This is all very strange. Some have suggested that this is some kind of promotional campaign , but if it is, it is very well disguised as no links to any retailers are shown. My theory is that she’s writing from an alternate universe just like ours, except that auto-stirring mugs and shoe warmers are commonplace.

Three stories about finding unpleasant things

Discovering a surreal TikToker like @homecoming.diary is adorable, but sometimes we find it’s not adorable. Like in general. The TikTokers trio below are prime examples of the most annoying things imaginable.

Red Dead Redemption Online Horse Club

When I think of clans in online video games, I picture elitist, hardcore guys dedicated to squeezing the best kill/death ration out of their game of choice, like the aggressive Reaper Lords from Red Dead Redemption Online . Fortunately, there is an opposing force in the game. PC Gamer tells us about The Rift Trails , a group of horse lovers who come together in Red Dead Online . Founded two years ago at the height of the pandemic, the group has grown to about 1,700 members who regularly gather to take scenic walks together in Red Dead Online , where they socialize, wear themed costumes, and otherwise use the digital space in interesting, unexpected ways. You can tell what kind of person you are, whether you join Reaper Lords or The Rift Trails.

Slang clock: what does “mid” mean?

If a young man describes you as “average”, you don’t get compliments. This word is a shortened version of the word “medium” and means something like “basic”. Something in between if it’s not cool, but not interesting enough to be not cool. The line became popular when a spokesman for All Elite Wrestling MJF angered a crowd in Cincinnati by stating, “It’s called the Midwest because everything about it is average” before offering to fight the entire crowd. The sound bite was taken from AEW and put into a ton of TikTok videos to describe things that are, well, in the middle. Here is a good example of a meme . There are a bunch more for the #mid hashtag .

Return of Gumby

Fox recently announced that they have acquired the rights to Gumby , Pokey and all their clay friends. The plan is to reimagine the franchise, then offer kids live action and animated Gumby content, and sell NFTs. For those under 8,000 years old, Gumby was an animated character beloved by baby boomers throughout the 1960s. Whether today’s kids will be interested in a franchise so far back in time remains to be seen, but since Gumby is a blank slate – a piece of clay that can be molded into anything – I’m not sure how one can “re-educate”. “imagine” it without changing its inherent gambiness.

Viral Videos of the Week: The Adam Project and Firestarter

This week’s viral video is in two parts: both are newly released, widely shared trailers for teenage fantasy films. The protagonist of “Project Adam” is a troubled child who is visited by an adult version of himself. The film about time travel and the generation gap will begin streaming on Netflix on March 11 and will hopefully tell a lot about how old farts feel about childhood and how kids see themselves in the future. The second trailer is a remake of Stephen King ‘s The Pyro , which embodied the turmoil of a young girl’s puberty in the form of the ability to start a fire with her mind. King’s excellent novel has always deserved better than Drew Barrymore’s so-so 1984 adaptation. Let’s see if Blumhouse treats him the way he deserves when Firestarter comes out on May 13th.


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