All the Free Stuff You Never Knew You Could Get With a Library Card

No matter what happens in the world, your local library remains an oasis of calm—a place where you can educate yourself, do research, or simply find a quiet place during a busy day. But modern libraries are much more than just repositories of books; they have evolved into community hubs , offering a wide range of services that you may not even be aware of.

If you have a library card in your wallet that you haven’t pulled out since you first got it, you’re probably missing out on a long list of perks that are almost always free. Here are some of the things you never knew you could do with your library card.

Digital media and streaming

Netflix just raised its subscription fees, and there’s no doubt that streaming will continue to get more expensive. The good news is that your reader card actually gives you access to some of the best live streaming options – all completely free.

First of all, your library card probably gives you access to Kanopy , a streaming platform for libraries and universities. While it focuses on international and “artistic” film and television, Kanopy offers a huge collection of films, TV shows and documentaries, including blockbusters and all-time classics. You also likely have access to Libby and Hoopla , which offer access to even more movies and shows, as well as e-books, audiobooks, comics, and music streaming.

Conference hall

If you have a club or organization that meets in person, you know that having these meetings in your home isn’t always ideal. Between kids and pets interrupting everything and the frantic rush to get out before everyone else arrives, there’s an added level of stress that detracts from your main mission. However, most libraries have meeting rooms that you can reserve for free if you have a library card. The libraries also have most of the equipment you need, including free Wi-Fi, computers, copiers, and projectors.

Free admission to museums and zoos

Your library card doesn’t just give you access to the library, friend. It is actually a kind of all-access cultural pass that allows you to visit museums, zoos, squares and other places. In fact, you can spend weeks just visiting every cultural institution in your area without spending a dime just flashing your library card, though in some cases you’ll have to go online and register first. But that’s a small price to pay for not having to pay when you show up with your family in tow.

adult education

Lifelong learning is important. Keeping your mind sharp, broad-minded, and up-to-date with professional skills is good, especially as you get older. Your library card probably offers you access to a surprisingly extensive list of adult education classes. For example, most libraries have language learning tools such as Rosetta Stone and Mango . Many libraries also offer their cardholders free access to Universal Class courses. You can choose from hundreds of courses in areas such as business, personal development, computers, and accounting.

Career help

Want to change jobs but don’t know how to do it? Whether you need job training, job search advice, or re-employment, your local library is likely to be able to help . And if you need a computer and an Internet connection to search for jobs or conduct Zoom interviews, libraries can help you too. If you have a face-to-face interview, many libraries also have ” fashion libraries ” where you can borrow suits for physical interviews.

Musical instruments, instruments and gadgets

Think your library is just a place filled with books and retirees browsing the internet? Think again. Most modern libraries allow you to borrow much more than books. The list of things you can rent includes musical instruments , tools for home improvement projects, and even technology likelaptops and tablets . Your local library may not offer all of these services, but chances are they offer at least some of them.


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