The 17 Best Movies and TV Shows With a Time Loop That Don’t Relate to Groundhog Day

The early 90s represented a kind of Big Bang for the time loop narrative. Groundhog Day was certainly not the first instance of repetitive time-telling in fiction, but it presented relatively intricate science fiction with such humour, poignancy and panache that it’s no surprise that numerous other shows and films have since followed. on his way.

Time loop stories can focus on the metaphysical aspects or delve into the sci-fi aspects of the script, but they usually represent different ways of approaching the idea of ​​feeling stuck in our lives and looking for something to break us out of the negative cycle. If ever there was a time when we felt more like we were caught in an endless loop, it certainly is now. Sometimes fiction can point the way forward, so maybe there are lessons to be learned from these endlessly repetitive and repetitive movies and TV shows. (Oh, and watch out for spoilers.)


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