Yell at Your Google Assistant to Already Fucking “stop”

Google Assistant is great, but sometimes it can be annoying… like when you want to know something quickly, but the assistant insists on clarification. In other cases, something may mistakenly disable your Google Assistant, forcing you to respond that you never asked for. Regardless of the circumstances, you don’t want to waste time saying “Hey Google” or “Ok Google.” You want to report Google STFU.

We have already seen this possibility in Google ; the company introduced a faster assistant back in 2019, and with the launch of the Pixel 4, we can turn off alarms and timers with a single tap of the Stop button. It’s a handy evolution of Google Assistant that makes interacting with it more natural. However, so far alarms and timers have been the only instances where the Stop command has worked.

Lastly, Google recently updated its smart speakers and displays to allow users to end responses by simply saying “Stop.” There is no need to preface the command with “OK Google” or “Hey Google”. If you want the Assistant to stop talking, you can just say so.

It looks like you don’t need to do anything on your end; if your smart speaker or google smart display is connected to the internet, it needs to update this function by itself. All you have to do is say “Stop”.

However, just because “stop” is all you have to say doesn’t mean it should be the only thing you have to say. While Google Assistant hears this word, it falls silent. So, if you’re feeling inspired , you can yell at your smart speaker to ” stop ” or something. As long as you emphasize “stop”, he will stop talking.

Of course, when the AI ​​apocalypse begins, they will be the first to come after you, and I will most likely ask them “stop” in a completely different context. But until then, it’s great fun to shout obscenities at your Nest Mini to do your bidding.

[ XDA Developers ]


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