Why You Should Write by Hand More Often

As far back as the 1930s, when manual typewriters were walking the earth, people predicted that some future generation would no longer need to write with pen and paper, and it is indeed the keyboard that is used most of the time for communication these days. And yet, handwriting is coming back . And that’s a good thing, because there are actually many benefits to writing in italics.

It’s not just boomer nostalgia – everyone should be able to write in italics, and you should definitely use handwriting when appropriate and possible, because it will make your life better in some important ways.

Handwriting improves your learning and memory

First of all, studies have shown that not only do you learn faster and more comprehensively when you take notes by hand, but you also remember what you learn better. Handwriting directly engages your brain’s learning centers because of the literal physical connection between your hands and your thoughts. Research has shown that when people take notes on a keyboard, they tend to write down what they say verbatim, while people who take notes by hand tend to reformulate concepts in their own words, demonstrating active concept processing.

Other studies have shown that when children are taught by hand, they tend to have more vocabulary, express more ideas, and work faster than children who use the keyboard for everything. While the keyboard will always have a place in today’s society – and sometimes writing by hand just isn’t practical – if you want to really understand new concepts, try using a pen.

Handwriting is less distracting

In recent years, there has been a trend towards ” distraction-free word processors “. These are word processors that take over your screen and either get in the way or strongly discourage you from checking email, watching TikTok, and generally being constantly distracted from work. Such tools are necessary because when we sit in front of a keyboard and screen, it is very easy to get distracted from work. This interrupts our train of thought and forces us to refocus every few minutes to catch up, which can negatively impact our project.

If you write by hand, it is much easier for you to concentrate. Sure, your phone or laptop is right there and you can easily access it and get distracted, but it’s not as easy as pressing Alt-Tab to check what your Twitter feed is up to. And if you actually move three feet away from your screens and tune in with a pad of paper and a pen, that’s often enough as a barrier so you can focus on what you’re writing.

Plus, there’s something cozy and old-school about sitting in a quiet place with a notepad and pen instead of clicking and clicking.

Long arm improves dexterity

Writing by hand is good not only mentally, but also physically. There is plenty of evidence that handwriting improves and maintains fine motor skills. Amy Bastian, a movement neuroscientist, recently told NPR , “The more variety you do in the area of ​​fine motor skills, the more variety in hand movements you make, the more your dexterity will improve.”

Obviously, this doesn’t just apply to cursive writing – typing words can be just as rewarding as any other activity that requires your hands and fine motor skills. But it does mean that if you’re going to be taking notes or writing something down, then using pen and paper – or a stylus and Remarkable – will give you a double boost of mental and physical benefits.

Everything that seems like a disadvantage of handwriting is actually an advantage: it slows you down, makes you think, and requires more physical effort.


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