How to Make Stretching Less Boring so You Actually Do It

Every January I promise to improve my flexibility by constantly stretching. And yet, when it comes to my stretching workout, it’s my fault that I cut some corners. And by “cut corners,” I mean that for months I won’t properly heal my aching muscles. Ouch.

We previously noted that while stretching is not a panacea , there are many reasons for stretching , such as increasing range of motion, decreasing soreness, and meditative psychic effects. However, my main problem with stretching is not my lack of motivation, but my lack of concentration at the moment. I’m so bored. And while I wasn’t diagnosed (or even self-diagnosed) with ADHD, posts like this from r / ADHD inspired me to get rid of my boredom and figure out how to stretch more than 30 seconds at a time.

If you’re wondering how to stretch, if you hate stretching, and what stretches to try if you’re not flexible , we’ve got you covered. Now here are the ways to do those stretches without dying of boredom in the process.

Watch TV

So obvious, yet so elegant. If you want to stretch more often and for longer periods of time, there is nothing better than putting on your favorite show to get the job done. In my opinion, no other mental tricks work like a quality run from reality. Also, I’m sure the creators of Succession envisioned me rolling out my ATVs while enjoying their beautiful narcissists.

If you’re not so into the program that you forget to change your position for a stretch, it makes stretching fun and makes watching TV more productive. A win-win.

Listen to a podcast or audiobook

Just like watching TV, it’s all about finding something that distracts you enough and makes you fly by. The advantage of the sound-only options is that you can focus more on your body (instead of trying to look at the screen). Also, if you’re at the gym, listening to podcasts or audiobooks may be preferable to downloading Netflix over Wi-Fi at the gym. Companion inheritance pods , anyone?

Watch the video for stretching instructions

Maybe distraction is your enemy and you need someone to tell you exactly what to do and how long to do it. Excursion practices like yoga with Adriene may be for you. If you are new to stretching, it is helpful to have an instructor and support you all the time. My only advice is to be prepared to make changes and small breaks so you don’t get frustrated and don’t give up stretching altogether.

Make it social

Grab your friend and make him stretch with you. You don’t have to do the same stretches – in fact, it might be better to do different stretches to avoid over-competition. The point of this advice is to hold you accountable.

Learn to count in a new language

Trying to reach your toes for thirty seconds? Practice counting to thirty in Russian. As your brain focuses on this new skill, you will forget about the monotony of grabbing your toes.

Make mental lists

For example, you’ll learn to count in a new language, try listing all the presidents of the United States, French verb conjugations, some sports statistics — whatever interests you.

Rehearse something

All this passionate talk and talk in the bathroom mirror? Incorporate them into your stretching routine. You won’t believe how time flies while you are busy winning imaginary arguments or crushing your next presentation at work.

Include some prop

Try using an elastic band or experiment with a tennis ball. Particularly with a tennis ball, you can start the game to keep yourself busy, as inthis video .

Extra tricks to get the stretch in the first place

If your problem is not so much momentary boredom as maintaining that level of motivation on January 1st, here are some mental tricks to help you sit in this very first stretching position:

  • Sneak up while you are doing something else, such as brushing your teeth or waiting for food to heat up.
  • Dress a body part to motivate yourself, use the act of putting on yoga pants to remind you of their purpose.
  • Use tools like the 1 Second Every Day app to track your progress . The trick here is to stay here longer than it takes to document the stretch.

Finally, if you’re looking for new ideas on how to stretch each body part, there is a table for that. Everyone for a flexible 2022.


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