How to Care for High Humidity Indoor Plants Without Killing Them

One of the toughest challenges with indoor plants is trying to keep different plants alive in the same climate (in your home) that are found in different climates. For example, you might have a fern native to the Amazon rainforest in the same room as a cactus found in Arizona. Aside from succulents, even plants that did not originate in rainforests tend to enjoy a little moisture.

It is easier to say that providing plants with sufficient moisture levels is easier than doing, especially indoors in winter, but not impossible. Here are some of the ways some houseplants need to increase the moisture content of their indoor plants.

Group your plants

Even if you don’t do anything else, arranging your houseplants in groups can help increase the humidity around them, especially when they are near a window. This is due to the fact that water evaporates from the soil, and plants give off vapors through the “pores” on the leaves (transpiration process). To give them an extra boost, place open containers of water around the plants.

Use a humidifier

Of course, you could get a really scientific approach and use a hygrometer to measure the humidity in the air, and then use a humidifier to make sure the air in the room is properly humidified (according to the specific needs of the plant). Or you can place a humidifier in the room and let it do its thing. Either way, it will help the plants and probably make the people living there more comfortable.

Put them in the bathroom

Plants that love moisture tend to thrive in bathrooms thanks to the constant flow and evaporation of water from sinks, showers, tubs, toilets, etc.

Spray them daily

Watering the plants daily with a spray bottle will not significantly increase the humidity level in the room, but it will increase it by several hours. If you can only spray once a day, do it in the morning so that excess moisture can evaporate throughout the day. This reduces the risks associated with plant moisture when it gets colder at night, which can include the development of fungal or bacterial diseases.


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