In Fact, Stamps Are Great for Stockings (I’m Right About That)

As I mentioned earlier , my family takes stockings very seriously. A good stocking is always about balance. Some candy here, clementine there , a few beauty products to complete it all – you want to create a varied collection of tokens and knickknacks so that the stocking isn’t solid.

In this regard, stamps – the ones you get from the post office – are excellent stocking filler.

The stamps are unconventional, unexpected, and yes perhaps mundane stocking filler choices, but they’re also incredibly practical and considerate – two things I love. No one ever plans to need a stamp, but it does happen, and it usually happens during times of intense stress (such as when you find that you need to send a check to the IRS). By donating stamps, you save someone a trip to the post office (or somewhere else they buy stamps, I’m not Google), and not having to go to the post office is the greatest gift of all. And if you decide to give Forever stamps, you are giving a gift that will be useful forever! Or at least until the Postal Service and / or the US collapses. (So ​​probably not forever.)

If this sounds too practical, too boring and not personal enough, please understand that you can be really nice about it and adapt your brand purchase to the personality of the stocking wearer. There is no reason to use ugly or boring stamps. Just look at who you have a choice from . There really is a stamp for everyone. You have stamps for golf enthusiasts , stamps for Star Wars nerds , stamps for socialist science fiction readers, and stamps for those who really love the holidays . (I really love these little Meyer’s two-cent lemon stamps , although they are admittedly less practical than the Forever stamps.)

Plus, buying stamps means you support the US Postal Service and you love it. And if you order them online, you don’t even need to go to the post office. (But order them now, not later. The Postal Service has a lot of work to do this time of year.)


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