All Ways to Be Rude in Dating Apps Without Even Realizing It

There is a subtle dance in the private messages of every dating app . You want to go forward, but not too strong. You want to play cool without losing anyone’s interest. You want to be flirty, but not scare anyone.

Even if you are remotely online, you have seen screenshots of people who ruined this dance. There is just offensive “teasing”, outright borrowing from 1995 and, of course, ” violent behavior .”

How can you send a message to your partner without making the other person regret brushing it right at you? Here are a few common mistakes you can make in DM and what you can do instead to get the sparks flying.

Give monosyllabic answers

You might think you look mysterious, but in reality, you are just frustrating. While single-word responses can sometimes fly around during a face-to-face conversation, they are essentially the same as punctuation in text. Even if someone asks you a yes or no question, you need to be able to build on that foundation to keep the conversation going.

What to do instead: Refine your answers to show interest in the other person (and make yourself more interesting to them). If you feel extra motivated, you can even (gasp) ask someone a question about yourself.

Asking questions that are too personal

It’s important to ask questions to get the conversation off the ground, but don’t jump too quickly to personal topics. For example, ask someone, “ Do you have brothers and sisters? “okay. Ask them,” How is your relationship with your dad and what are you doing to fix it? “… less normal. I know how nice it feels to be connecting and finally moving beyond boring small talk but leave potentially invasive questions for later (and ideally face to face).

What to do instead: While you are still communicating via messages in the app, avoid traditionally painful areas like family relationships, money, medical procedures, etc.

Neglect (instead of teasing)

Teasing is an art. Neglect is manipulation. True resentment is the use of base insults to make someone more vulnerable to your courtship. Too often, people “fry” someone to sound cool and funny, or as a way to rush to a certain level of familiarity. But when you’re in DM and don’t really know each other, your attempt at frying can be just plain rude.

What to do instead: If you are not sure how your teasing will be received, use caution. It will be easier to read the room in person, but you will not have that opportunity in person if you offend them now.

Excessive shower with compliments

Compliments are an easy way to show that you are kind, personable, and flirty. However, if you overdo it, you run the risk of being considered insincere, desperate, and probably more than a little creepy. This is the flip side of negging, where too many compliments suggest a level of intimacy or intensity that a dating app simply doesn’t guarantee. After all, you cannot really get to know someone from several DMs. At this stage, it is better to ask questions to someone rather than make comments about them (even compliments).

What to do instead: Compliments here and there are flirting 101; but if you can’t carry on the conversation without adding a compliment to every message, consider diminishing it. Simply put: don’t put it too thick.

Acting under the name

Here I am using the word “captioned” as a diplomatic way to describe “domestic behavior”. I have received my fair share of messages from people (almost exclusively men) who are aggressive and arrogant in terms of what they expect from dating apps. Think of messages like “ What do I need to do to get an answer here? “And” Wow, I guess I’m not good enough for you? “And” A classic woman who ignores a nice message from a guy like me. These types of messages show that you do not think of me as a fellow, but as a vessel built exclusively for you to process your own ego. In short, this is not the best view.

What to do instead: Accept the realities of the modern world, in which 1. most coincidences do not lead to anything, 2. a ghost is common practice, and 3. no one owes you anything.

Taking yourself too seriously

A dating app profile is not an interview. You may describe yourself as “honest,” “adventurous,” and “ambitious”; all I can see is boring, soft and stupid.

I think that profiles that take themselves seriously are usually for people who are serious about finding the right partner. When you’re looking for something super casual, it’s best to report it right away. However, the converse is not always true. If you’re looking for something serious and trying to communicate it in the first post or two, you run the risk of being too strong.

What to do instead: Have a little fun! Establish rapport first, and then organically emphasize the fact that, ideally, you are looking for more than just sex. If you’re afraid of wasting time, bring this up before your first date, but don’t let it get in line.

Sending unsolicited photos

We thank the authorities for the fact that most applications do not allow sending unwanted images through their messaging system. If you’re wondering if you should send someone a photo that they didn’t directly ask for, please let me remove any ambiguity from the equation.

What to do instead: Fortunately, there is a simple solution here. Never submit images without an invitation. Never! Whatever winnings you come up with is not worth the risk.

It’s too early to ask someone’s number

While it’s a good idea to plan a real date within the first two weeks of messaging, don’t skip the very important step of establishing rapport. Trying to be confident can quickly turn into overconfidence.

What to do instead: Before asking for someone’s number (or giving your own without prompting), make sure you both establish a common interest in each other. And please don’t ever call someone unexpectedly. It’s 2021. Even mom doesn’t call me unexpectedly.

Using faceless order lines

Well, here I am. What are your other two desires? “Don’t get me wrong, I smile when I get an extra stupid introductory line. Unfortunately, this does not always mean that I will actually do it. As with cover letters, this is obvious when you shoot the same shot over and over.

What to do instead: Concreteness is your friend . You can still be corny by saying that the line comes straight from your match profile. Here’s a trick from dating coach Logan Urie , director of relationship science at Hinge, and one of our Lifehacker podcast guests, The Upgrade : use your introductory line to comment at the bottom of their profile as it’s probably less more common than someone else replied to this.


As with traps, when you ask someone obsessive questions about yourself, don’t go overboard by talking too much about yourself. There is a very real desire to speed up the small talk phase and get down to the “deep stuff,” but this is what you need to make money over time. Otherwise, you are embarrassing someone who is mostly a stranger.

What to do instead: Some things are best reserved for a personal conversation or a few – or several – months of a relationship. Keep your emotions and boundaries in check by sticking to light-hearted topics (TV, books, hobbies) rather than those heavily attacked (past relationships, childhood trauma, medical history).

Outwardly I hate applications

We understand: you hate dating apps. I hate dating apps. And yet we are both here. Any Hinge user who knows the ” Worst mistake I’ve ever made … ” tip also knows the profile type that says ” … is downloading this app.” “Trust me, I understand the shame, burnout, and frustration that endless swiping brings. However, acting like you’re too cool to be here isn’t good for you. It’s a weird tactic to try and knock both of us down for playing a love game in this particular arena.

What to do instead: Accept the fact that for better or for worse, we’re both giving dating apps a shot. Keep your bitterness to yourself and play the game.

I hate small talk

Yes, nobody likes to talk about the weather. However, what you think of as small talk may just be another person’s barometer for determining if you are a complete creep. Whenever someone tells me they “hate small talk,” I usually roll my eyes and assume that they think it won’t be much fun.

What to do instead: Be patient and build a certain level of rapport. Find a happy compromise between “ What did you do today? “And” What do you think happens after we die? “Again, being specific is key. Come up with some creative icebreakers to get around scary small talk, like asking about someone’s strangest dreams or what they’d like to eat for their last dinner. Have fun with it.

Listing of special requirements

The thought of being a good fit for you shouldn’t make you look for a job. I have never been attracted to someone who writes to me to make sure that I love cars, hate a certain sports team, and have seen all the Sopranos episodes.

What to do instead: Be open-minded. Even if you have an internal checklist for your ideal couple, keep it with you. There’s a good chance you don’t even know what you really want in this world. And maybe what you want is not what you really want , you know?

Link to office

It breaks my heart, but Ophis is dead. Yes, I was an ardent fan when it first aired. Then, when his popularity hit a critical level, I became a hater of him. And so we came full circle when hatred for the show, you guessed it, also reached critical mass. Regardless of your opinion of the show, listing it in the apps is a fast track to an eye-rolling city.

What to do instead: Find another show on which to build your personality. Delayed development is next in line for excessive links, so stick it in while you can.

Adding someone to LinkedIn

It’s okay to find someone’s Instagram or Twitter from a dating app. Asking to follow them is a risk (if you haven’t been on multiple dates yet). Finding someone on LinkedIn that looks more like a job search site than a social media platform is a different story altogether. Adding someone to LinkedIn is a huge leap from potential romance to business professionalism. Are you trying to date or trying to pursue your career?

What to do: Don’t mix business with pleasure.

Lack of personality

At this point, you may feel cornered with what you can and cannot do in apps. You may be even more confused than when we started. How can you stand out without looking too strong? How can you be confident and direct without sending anyone in the opposite direction? What should one person do?

At the end of the day, you have to be yourself. Don’t let the fear of making a mistake stop you from shooting. It will cost more to report your match through trial and error than sulking all alone (unless, of course, you are an arrogant bastard crossing borders). (I don’t approve of being ugly.)

What to do instead: If you’re worried about how you feel about apps, get a friend to help you showcase your personality. We don’t always know how to portray ourselves correctly, so your friends can fill in some of the blanks to make the profile look more like you. At the very least, good friends can just give you the ego boost you need so you have the confidence to take the first step. For the most part, think of dating app gaming as low risk and high reward.


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