How to Survive the Crying Phase of a Toddler

If you’ve ever had a toddler, chances are you were the proud owner of their cry phase. Please note, I did not say ” hysterical phase . No, there is a kind of toddler squeal that has little or nothing to do with complete failure due to the inability to take home the PAW Patrol water bottle they carried with Target for 45 minutes. Here we are talking about your standard, often unprovoked, first-class communication, which they sometimes prefer between the ages of 2 and 4, which can stop as suddenly as it starts, but is still terrible for its duration.

Why do babies scream so much?

While it’s obvious at times why the little ones are screaming — they wanted to put on the backpack themselves and you helped, monster — at other times it’s difficult to determine whether it’s logical or not. It could be because they want attention, feel like they need to yell out to be heard (hello third child), are upset or overly excited, or just find out that this is a reliable way to provoke a reaction from their otherwise busy parents.

It is important to remember that this is normal for our age, and you should not oppose it with your own cry. (This will only scare them, demonstrate that the loudest person wins, give them a bad example of coping with the urge, and create more of the same. We speak from experience.) So what can you do instead?

Let them be loud – at a certain time

Babies are living things and sometimes they just need to let them out . At Offspring, the parent group of Lifehacker on Facebook , one parent suggested letting them “practice light songs at home and sing them in circles at different volumes.” By giving them a safe way to practice controlling their voice without consequences, they can better understand how to control the volume when you need it.

Play, be quiet

What kid doesn’t like games? First, practice using a loud voice together. (If you’re ready for this, you can even host a “Let’s see who’s the loudest.” Competition.) Then flip it over and see who whispers the best. With repetition and constant exposure to whispering, they will know exactly what you mean when you ask them to whisper in the library. (If they resist because they like to mischievously refuse requests or just for the pleasure of being noisy in a quiet place, ask if they can be like a kitten, snake, fish, or any other quiet animal.)

Encourage a cry outside

Take your classic inner voice one step further by taking your toddler outside when he screams. Not in anger or time out; in “Oh, do you want to use your outer voice? Let’s go outside so you can scream “how”. If you do this, the sudden change in location can surprise your child so much that they no longer feel the need to scream. Stay optimistic, do not focus on punishment, so that they will definitely learn to yap not for themselves.

What happens when they want to howl while you dine outdoors? Be sure to talk separately before eating outdoors so that they understand that things are different outside because there are so many people around.

Run away from them

Sometimes screaming occurs due to excess stored energy. When you realize they are screaming a little, take them outside to release their energy, or have a lightning round of jumping jacks or Simon Says in the kitchen.

Speak softly

Another approach is to calm down so they try to match your voice. The louder they get, the quieter your voice becomes. As a general rule, refrain from yelling in the house to get their attention. Whenever possible, go where they are so they don’t get used to the noise in the house for granted. (We know this is easier said than done.)

Acknowledge their feelings

Whatever feeling is the cause of the scream – be it happiness, anger, or something in between – getting down to eye level and confirming what they are going through can work miracles. We all want to be seen and heard, and a simple “I know you want to go home” or “I know you need a different color cup” can soften the urge to anger.

Don’t give up (except in cases)

The standard advice is not to give in to any request or demand when screaming, otherwise we will teach our children that this is the fastest way to get what they want. And it really is 100%. But when the screeching becomes too frequent or makes you think, give your child another chance to socialize. If they can repeat it in a “nice voice” (an inner voice or a regular voice, whichever verbiage you like) or just less harsh, it might be worth giving them the thing.

Because while the main ultimate goal is to stop the cry and it will stop, we are told, the secondary goal is to maintain parental sanity while we expect the blessed day to arrive.


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