How to Install a Security Camera Without Breaking the Law

Homeowners are increasingly investing in CCTV cameras, but there are also privacy laws that limit where all of these cameras can be pointed. If you want to install CCTV cameras inside and around your home, you need to consider these laws as well as your own safety, so let’s look at some of the legal implications of using a home security camera so you know your rights when neighbors knock on your door. …

Home Security Cameras Rise With Privacy Concerns

While home security systems are becoming more popular, privacy concerns are on the rise. If your neighbor has CCTV cameras and they point in your direction, you would be a little worried too, right?

Some homeowners have even been criticized for infringing on tenant privacy. In the UK, one judge even ruled in favor of a tenant who considered her homeowner’s cells tantamount to harassment.

To be clear, homeowners do have the right to have outdoor cameras installed. However, they can violate your state’s wiretapping laws, so it’s worth researching where your state is located.

How to use a CCTV camera legally

The bottom line is that you are allowed to install security cameras around your home as long as they are not recording in areas where privacy can be expected. In this case, you will need written consent to film someone.

There are no federal laws that restrict the use of home security cameras, so it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with your state’s regulations before installing them. Each state has its own laws and regulations regarding the privacy of citizens.

However, generally speaking, you also cannot place any CCTV cameras in locations that are filming private areas of someone else’s property. For example, you may be held liable if your cameras are pointing towards your neighbor’s bedroom window.

What about pet cameras?

There are no laws regarding pet cameras, but if you are a renter you should ask your landlord to install them. Landlords have certain rental rights under the law , and if your apartment is privately owned and pets are negotiable, these cameras may be a necessary part of the rental.

And if you do install any pet cameras, place them in a suitable location in your home, just like your regular security cameras (i.e., ignore a place where people can reasonably expect privacy). If you have a nanny, be sure to get consent to the appointment.

How to Install CCTV Cameras Safely

You will want to spend time researching which cameras best suit your needs, or install some old technology instead of expensive gadgets. Then, plan where you want to place your cameras by finding ideal locations outside of your home, such as next to your garage, on your porch, by your back door, or on your patio. After all the hardware is set up, take some time to play around with the system, be it moving cameras or adjusting motion detection settings. You will most likely need to install software on your device to control the new fancy cameras.


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