The Laziest and Most Efficient Way to Clean up Before Guests Arrive

Being around people is always more work than you think. Even if you walk in with the intention of being casual, usually about half an hour before guests are about to arrive, you realize that your home – which you initially didn’t think so bad – actually looks pretty casual.

You have little to no time, but fortunately, you can quickly and efficiently clean up the mess before someone rings the doorbell. In an article for Better Homes and Gardens, Jessica Bennett explains how to do this.

Start by logging in

This is the first thing people see when they walk into your home, which is why Bennett says it’s important to pick up trash on the floor and walk around the space. Make sure there is room for your guests’ shoes and coats (if there is room for them), and either skip the spot quickly with a vacuum cleaner, or at least shake out all the rugs.

Go to the kitchen

If you’re serving food, you have an excuse why there might be a little clutter on kitchen countertops, but even so, clean up as much as possible. Remove clean dishes, and put dirty dishes in the dishwasher or at least in the sink (if you don’t have time to wash it). Then wipe down the counters, do another quick job with the vacuum cleaner, and move on.

Spend a few minutes in the bathroom

Bennett suggests starting with the toilet: in particular, apply a toilet cleaner and leave it while you work on the rest of the room. Then wipe and disinfect the counters and faucet, and use a glass cleaner to get rid of any streaks or stains on the mirror. Make sure your guests have enough soap and toilet paper. Then grab a toilet brush, scrub the toilet, rinse, and move on.

Clean up clutter at gathering points

When time is of the essence, you don’t have the luxury of making sure everything is in the right place. But as Bennett says , you have to clean up the cluttered meeting places in your home. Her solution: Put anything that you can’t immediately put away in a laundry basket and put it in another room, out of sight (for example, in your bedroom).

Vacuum high traffic areas of your home

Now vacuum the living room, dining room and corridors – wherever people will be spending their time. Don’t worry about bedrooms or parts of your home that are off-limits to guests.

Clean up the living room

Nothing fancy – just fold any decorative blankets, make sure the cushions and cushions are aligned ( Bennett suggests giving the decorative karate chop pillows in the middle to make them look better), and if you have time, vacuum any crumbs from the sofa.

Bennett also suggests dusting common surfaces in your home. If there are any items covered with a noticeably thick layer of dust, be sure to wipe them off. Otherwise, don’t push yourself too hard (unless you have extra time).


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