How to Spot a Bad Boss During a Job Interview

Interviewing isn’t just about selling yourself as the best job candidate – it’s also your chance to figure out who you’ll be working for and if they might be a terrible manager. With nearly half of all employees quit because of their boss, you’ll want to know what to look for in an interview and what to ask about. Here are some common red flags that can help you identify a potentially bad leader:

  • They are negative: workers respond well to leaders who calmly and consciously make decisions, not to those who lack the discipline to control their negative attitudes when talking to employees. Think twice about a potential boss who tramples competitors, other candidates, direct reports, or complains about his boss or company during a formal interview.
  • They seem self-centered: from an employer’s perspective, a job interview is meant to determine if both of you are suitable for the position and if you will fit into the team. If the hiring manager only asks you a few formal questions and often redirects the conversation to his own accomplishments, this is a sign that his ego will be one of the dangers you will have to face if you get a job.
  • They are inconsistent in describing the role: if the initial interview is conducted by a recruiter, it’s okay if he doesn’t know the intricacies of the job. However, if your prospect is inconsistent in describing their role or cannot articulate why it is needed during the interview, consider it a red flag. In this case, it could be a sign that the hiring manager is disorganized, or that they do not understand why they are hiring (especially if a new role has been forced on them by their boss).
  • They are late: Of course, this is not always a sign of a bad boss, as people can be late for various reasons, especially if it is only a few minutes. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t respect your time. If they do not apologize for being late or are late again, this suggests that either double standards or unprofessionalism are allowed in the workplace.

Questions to ask a potential boss

While the Job Interview is intended to determine if you are a good fit with the employer, it is also an opportunity to understand how the boss works by asking them a few questions (protector is easy, however, as asking too many questions, it can be assumed that you are hesitant or without enthusiasm for the job). Here are some good questions:

  • What would be a typical day in this role?
  • If I got a job, what would the onboarding and learning process look like?
  • What are the performance expectations for this position?

These informational questions will help you determine if the hiring manager has a clear operational understanding of his role and if the expectations are justified.

Questions related to their people skills include:

  • How would the team describe your management style?
  • Do you have personal meetings with subordinates?
  • Could you tell us a little about the team?

These questions should give you an idea of ​​the human skills of a hiring manager. If the prospect’s answers are about making their life easier and not about the overall purpose of the company, it could be a sign of unclear or wayward priorities. These questions will also help you determine if a manager is investing in the career development of individual members of his team.

Questions about the inner workings of your potential team may include:

  • How does your team celebrate or celebrate success?
  • What do you like best about working here?

Questions like these can help you figure out if team morale is good and whether the leader encourages success rather than simply points out failure. And you will also get an idea of ​​the manager’s feelings for the company. After all, most people find it difficult to portray enthusiasm – if a potential boss is unhappy with the company, why would you?


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