How to Buy Someone a Tech Gift When You Know Nothing About Technology

The holidays are fast approaching again, and beyond toys and clothing, technology is always at the top of many people’s wish lists. The problem is that there are many products to choose from and it can be difficult to pick one if you don’t know the differences. If you’re looking to buy smartphones, tablets, or game consoles for your loved ones this year, but don’t know where to start, use these tips to get started.

Ask why they need it

This may be the most important point on this list: you need to know what your friend or family member needs this item for before figuring out which one to buy. “Important Thought” doesn’t really apply when the recipients are unable to use the gift you bought them; tech is too specific for this bug. Of course, there are many products that can accomplish similar tasks, but getting the right thing is important in the first place.

For example, you can buy someone a laptop for Christmas. You see the prices of options for Windows or Mac and you know that for the price the Chromebook will do the job. If you find that all they need is study, email, and easy web browsing, surely the Chromebook will do the trick. However, if you didn’t ask and it turns out they needed a video editing machine or, God forbid, games , you just bought them a $ 200 paperweight.

Even if they don’t need the power and capabilities of a traditional laptop, they might prefer it to something like a Chromebook. At the end of the day, a laptop just gives you more options and will probably prove to be more useful in the long run. Asking them ahead of time will make sure you know what they are looking for from a new gadget and help you arrange your purchase accordingly.

Know the brands on the table

Brands can be just as important as function; The person you’re buying for could theoretically love the sound quality of a particular pair of earbuds, but if it’s not AirPods, they’ll be disappointed. For you, headphones are headphones, but for them they are a fashion statement. Make sure they are not looking for a specific brand with their technology before buying an alternative.

While sometimes branding is just a logo or style, some brands can affect or interfere with their ability to fully enjoy a gadget. Consider something like iPhone versus Android; If you buy them a smartphone, you need to know ahead of time if they want to use iMessage and FaceTime (iPhone only), or if they are open to a different type of phone. If they want to play Mario Kart and Zelda , you need to buy a Nintendo Switch ; if Spider-Man: Miles Morales is on their list, they’ll need a PlayStation.

Prices can be misleading

It is true that a bunch of cheap technology is rubbish . If you buy the least expensive version of the product, it probably won’t work.

However, do not assume that the most expensive version of the product is the correct one. There are tons of technologies out there that don’t have the shock we’ve come to expect from electronics, but do whatever you need to do. For example, the $ 329 iPad does almost everything that Apple’s more expensive tablets can do for half or a third of the price. It’s the same with the iPhone SE; This iPhone is priced at $ 399, and while it has an older display and camera, it handles the most important tasks you’d expect from an iPhone.

That’s all to say, don’t get cheaper if you don’t need it, but don’t think that you can’t afford gifts because “the best of the best” is very expensive.

Check reviews

Even if you know the product is compatible with the tasks you want, you shouldn’t buy it until you get in touch with the reviewers. The internet is awash with reviews for everything; If you want to know more about the newest iPad, there are hundreds of reviews on it; If you want to know the pros and cons of the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, there are many comparisons to be found.

YouTube is a great resource; it has a vibrant tech community looking at just about every product you can think of. These reviewers can answer questions you weren’t aware of, or introduce you to new or better products; If you watch a review of wireless earbuds and they mention that the sound quality is not as good as another brand, you may end up choosing a different one, even if you’ve never heard of one before.

However, be careful; While many reviews are 100% based on the experience of the reviewer, some actually look more like advertisements. Typically, disclosures occur when a product sponsors a review or promoted video, but be careful if this is bias.

Ask a techie for help, but with a grain of salt

Is there another technical leader in your circle? Maybe even someone who is friends with the subject of your future gift? Ask them for advice! While technology encompasses many different areas, those interested in technology are likely to have some level of knowledge about what you are trying to buy, especially if they are more consumer-oriented. If you have such a person in your life, he is probably already one of your first stops.

However, be careful; some of us, too caught up in tech news and discussions, tend to lean towards the higher end gadget spectrum. They could recommend an iPad with a better display and faster chip, even if it’s three times the price of a tablet you were thinking of getting. I know I have to remind myself that not everyone wants or needs the best of the best, and that having a product doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone.

Of course, perhaps your recipient is a techie who wants the very best. It really comes down to who you buy the product for.

Don’t rely on store help

Apple Geniuses, Best Buy’s computer fanatic team; You might think these stores have the best shopping advice this holiday season. However, I advise you to stay away. The important thing to remember is that at the end of the day, these stores want to sell you something. If you were better served by a product they don’t sell, you rarely get this advice; instead, they will try to keep you on the devices they have in stock and may push you to buy something more expensive than you need.

You’re unlikely to find an Apple employee recommending you buy a Samsung Galaxy over an iPhone, or a Dell laptop over a MacBook Air. They do not act so abominably; they are simply trained to help you with the products that Apple sells, so you only get a one-way experience in their store.

In addition, in my experience, many retailers do not provide sufficient training to their employees. While you may meet employees who love technology and know what they’re talking about, you can also get advice from someone who doesn’t know much more than you. They may recommend that you buy a product that doesn’t really fit your needs, or they might not recommend a product that suits your needs better. In short, just skip the shops.

There is no need to feel lost; keep to the plan! Find out what your donor needs technology for, talk to their friends, ask other techies, and watch some YouTube videos on the topic. Before you know it, you will have a good idea of ​​what you should buy. (Just remember to keep your receipt.)


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