Who Needs a Bone Density Test?

Our bones often become less dense as we age, which can lead to osteoporosis and potentially fractures if bone loss continues. Postmenopausal women are statistically at greatest risk of osteoporosis, but thinning bones can affect anyone. Loss of bone density can also start at an earlier age, so it’s good to be aware of your bone health even when you’re young. The more bone mass you have at a young age, the better you will get older.

But that doesn’t mean everyone needs a bone density test. As with all screening tests, they have their pros and cons. (And if you think of your smart scale as a shortcut – many of them measure “bone mass” just by standing on the scale every morning – you can ignore that. It’s not very accurate .)

Do you need a bone density test?

Bone density tests are recommended for women over 65. If you are younger or not a woman, you can still discuss with your doctor if this test makes sense for you.

Some things that increase your risk of osteoporosis – and which may make bone density testing useful for you – include minor accident fractures, smoking, rheumatoid arthritis, a family history of hip fractures, unusually low vitamin D levels, and early menopause. and taking corticosteroids for three months or more.

So why not take a test just in case ? As Choosing Wisely points out, these tests have their drawbacks. First, they use a small amount of radiation, which is not dangerous in itself, but can accumulate if you get tested frequently. (Bone density tests use DEXA, a type of X-ray scan.) If you have low bone density, you may be prescribed expensive medications that have their own side effects. Medication is not always very helpful and may not help at all if the bone loss is minor. Ultimately, you and your doctor must decide whether a bone density scan is worth it.

How to take care of your bones, whether you pass the test or not

If bone health is your concern, great news is that regardless of your age, there is something you can do to help make your bones denser and possibly prevent osteoporosis as you get older.

One is to make sure you’re eating a lot of calcium and getting a lot of vitamin D. The evidence is mixed as to whether calcium supplements such as pills are of great help. But a diet rich in calcium is a good idea, especially since you will be getting other vitamins and nutrients from these foods. Besides dairy products, other good sources of calcium include greens, tofu, and beans. Vitamin D can come from dairy products, skin exposure to sunlight, and dietary supplements.

Another important point is exercises that increase the load on the bones. Bones grow in response to pressure on them, so it’s actually a good idea to go for a run and let your feet touch the sidewalk. If running is not for you, or if you are not prepared for that level of intensity, whatever you do while standing and supporting your own weight is considered “weight-bearing exercise,” including walking and dancing. (Cycling and swimming do not count.) Strength training is another great option, especially since the bones in the upper body are not stressed by walking.

These are some of the most important things you can do for your bones. Others include getting enough potassium and protein in your diet, and avoiding excessive alcohol and smoking.


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