The 20 Best History Podcasts That Will Really Help Us Learn From the Past

There have been days lately when it seems like we have enough history, thank you very much. It would be nice if the story could slow down even for a moment, so that we can catch our breath, so that it is difficult enough to follow the daily news without looking back. Of course, it was this attitude that led to books about Harvey Milk and Ruby Bridges being removed from school libraries, and discussions about the Holocaust, Japanese internment, and slavery were confined to parents and politicians who were afraid to face the past. But it’s not all bad – there is hope in history. The hope that we can correct the mistakes we have made in the past, and the assurance that we have experienced strife and progress earlier and may be able to do it again.

Fortunately, despite the recent fad to ban books, history has never been more accessible. Passionate podcasters tell stories of people, places and moments in our history from every angle, and often with incredible depth and unexpected, little-explored perspectives. There is a danger in this, given that not everyone who wants to tell you about the past has pure intentions, but good shows always clarify their goals and points of view, without being afraid to offer very real connections between the past and the present, and the future. These are some of the best modules for exploring our shared timeline.


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