Have You Worn Your Neck Pillow the Whole Time Wrong?

We all know the U-shaped neck pillow for travel. We like the U-shaped travel pillow … like? If it doesn’t scratch, doesn’t smell bad, or seems to be devoid of a lot of Styrofoam balls, leaving the fabric gaping like a poorly fitting dress. (How do they get so deflated?) Actually, on second thought, U-shaped neck travel pillows suck.

Why does something that is all about helping us fall asleep often leaves us with only short, intermittent sleep and a stiff neck? Maybe it’s because our heads are too damn big to hold onto a donut around our neck (the average human head does weigh 11 pounds ). Or maybe it’s because we don’t put them on correctly.

While this travel accessory evolved from a 1929bathtubpillow designed to rest behind your head while reclining in the bathtub, we couldn’t find any “instructions” on how to use the modern iteration. Yet, probably because the tag is on the larger, closed end, we collectively have developed the habit of wearing this part behind our heads.

But instead obkladyvat road pillow behind our necks, as demonstrated in the viral video user TikTok SidneyRaz (on whose page is told about the things that he wanted to know before he was 30), it turns out that they really should be in front … “Mmm, I’m so comfortable,” he tells viewers.

This view is corroborated by Dr. Michael Breus , a self-proclaimed “Sleep Doctor,” who told News.com.au , “I tell my clients that if you have a [U-shaped] neck pillow, flip it over. so the bottom of the U is under the chin … because your head has a tendency to wobble, which will wake you up, and by rotating the pillow it keeps your head from wobbling. “

So that. Please apply this knowledge on your next trip and see if a forward-facing neck pillow will better support your giant swinging skull. And of course, if the back of the head pose suits you better, keep doing it yourself. If any of these methods fail, you can always take more drastic action .


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