Chocolate Isn’t the Only Halloween Candy That’s Dangerous for Dogs

Every dog ​​owner knows very well that chocolate is poison and dogs will eat it anyway, which makes Halloween a particularly challenging time of the year. But chocolate is just one of the many potentially dangerous ingredients in candy. To keep everyone safe, you need to know what else to avoid.

First things first, in an emergency, it’s important to know what poisoning looks like in dogs. Unsurprisingly, vomiting – and diarrhea – are common symptoms, but weakness, ataxia, or lack of coordination can also be present. If you are missing a bag of candy and your dog suddenly looks more awkward than usual; has difficulty sitting, standing, or walking; or tremors appear, contact your veterinarian immediately. In an emergency, after hours, call the vet in your area or to the hot line to combat the poisoning of pets by phone 855-764-7661. In any case, be sure to tell your veterinarian what type (or types) of candy your dog was consuming so he can respond appropriately.

Sugar-free sweets

Artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which is often found in sugar-free candies, are bad news for dogs: “Even small amounts of xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, liver failure or even death,” says René’s veterinarians. Schmid and Ana. Brutlag explained in the blog for VCA hospitals . Seriously, don’t mess with it. If xylitol-rich treats are on display in your home on Halloween, be extra careful where you store them.

Anything with raisins and macadamia nuts

No one is quite sure why raisins and macadamia nuts are so bad for dogs, just like that. You may already be familiar with the toxicity of grapes (and therefore raisins) , but macadamia nuts are slightly less common and especially dangerous. According to a blog post from the American Kennel Club , symptoms of poisoning can occur after eating as little as one tenth of an ounce of macadamia per 2 pounds of body weight. That’s roughly 1 nut in 2 lbs, which means 10 nuts are enough to cause serious problems for a 20 lb dog.

Fortunately, with the possible exception of raisins, you’re unlikely to find any ingredient in Halloween candy, but knowing the risks doesn’t hurt.

Pure, pure sugar

Yes, we’re talking sweet corn here, but also Starbursts, Jolly Ranchers, caramel, and other simple sugar bombs. Sucrose and glucose are inherently non-toxic to dogs, but their digestive systems really can’t handle large amounts of either.

If your puppy eats ham for a bunch of sweet treats, it won’t be easy for him. In mild cases, this may mean mild vomiting or mild diarrhea, which usually go away on its own. But veterinarian Lionel Londonoño told that more severe cases can cause dehydration and other serious symptoms that require a vet visit .

Wraps, lollipops, and other choking hazards

It is equally important to keep an eye on the sweets after they have been eaten, namely candy wrappers. We all know that some dogs just love to eat garbage, especially if it smells of something delicious and forbidden, like candy. One plastic or waxed paper wrap – choking hazard; a whole bunch of them are intestinal obstruction (and an expensive vet bill) waiting in the wings.

All of this together means that little lollipops are some of the most dangerous Halloween treats for dogs. They pose a fourfold threat: their high levels of sucrose and glucose can cause gastrointestinal illness, their wrappers can get stuck in your dog’s intestines and / or throat, and they are exactly the right size and shape to get stuck in the windpipe – and given that they are also some of the least popular chocolates, you are likely to have extras sitting. Keep your dogs safe by storing Halloween candy where only humans can get it.


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