How to Hang a Painting With Near-Perfect Accuracy the First Time

There are many times in life when we hear a little information and mutter incredulously under our breath. Of course I knew that. Who doesn’t know that ?! And then there are times when we learn something so simple, so basic, and it solves such a constant, annoying (albeit small) pain point in our daily life that we could not solve in the more and more abundant years of our life. … planet – when we have no choice but to say, “ What the hell? How did I not know this already ?

This is one of those moments. (At least for me. If you are in the first category on this matter, fine.) Here I will convey something that many adults may already know, but I, as a humble student of family vicissitudes, I am not too proud to admit I didn’t.

How to hang a painting with masking tape

Did you know that you can use a piece of blue masking tape to hang a picture frame with near-perfect precision, instead of measuring, making pencil marks on the wall, checking your math, realizing it’s wrong, erasing and re-measuring space between damn holes ( several times ) like a fool?

Well, you can. Just take a piece of masking tape and attach it to the back of the item you want to hang on the wall. Use a Sharpie to mark the holes for hanging the frame on the tape . Then, of course, all you have to do is stick the tape to the wall (use a level to level it), nail in the just applied Sharpie marks, and gently peel off the gorgeous non-stick tape. What you have left are perfectly spaced hanging holes for the first time (no annoying quarter-inch counts and the accompanying 8th grade anxiety).


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