How to Finally Remove Annoying Twitter Followers

Twitter is … something. Those of us who use it often find ourselves hopelessly addicted to a sea of ​​jokes, arguments, and many toxic stories. If you find that your list of followers is full of recent ones, and you are tired of seeing your tweets in their feed, you will be glad to know that you can finally remove them invisibly.

Difference between blocking and removing followers on Twitter

If someone on Twitter is insulting you the wrong way, your best bet so far has been to simply block them. Blocking accounts ensures that you don’t see another silly joke of them under your tweets and you don’t have to suffer from any DMs they might send you. It is a powerful and sometimes rewarding tool.

But blocking someone is not always a convenient option. First, it’s painfully obvious that it’s you who blocked the account – if they try to check your Twitter, they will see the infamous “this person has blocked you” message. Sometimes this means that the annoying person tweets that you are blocking them or creating another account to try to interact with you again.

This is where removing followers can sometimes be the best solution. If you don’t want someone to actively view your tweets, but you don’t really want to trigger a scene, your best bet is to remove them from your followers list. Nobody gets notified that you have deleted a subscriber, so this event is inactive. And, if they accidentally verify your account and see that they are no longer following you, there is no evidence that you were to blame for the deletion. If they really want to, they can follow you again, but until then you are clean.

How to remove Twitter followers

Twitter announced the rollout of this feature on Monday October 11th via its Twitter support account . In this tweet, the company confirmed that the only way to remove followers from your Twitter account is to do so from the Internet. It’s unclear why you can’t remove followers from the app yet, but we can only assume that Twitter is working on this feature in the future.

To remove Twitter followers from the Internet, simply go to your profile and click Followers. From here, click on the three dots to the right of the account, then select “Remove this subscriber.” That’s all there is to it, and you can rinse and repeat for any subscribers on this list. However, as soon as you delete the subscriber, they disappear; if you would like to return them you will need to ask. (Embarrassed.)


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