How You Should Structure (Not Plan) Your Downtime

While some people may find the idea of ​​leisure time appealing in theory, when it comes to giving up work and other personal and family obligations – even for a few hours – the thought that they are not “productive” can be a source of stress.

Unfortunately, this negates the entire goal of having some downtime, so people falling into this category may find themselves continuing to advance even as they approach (or exceed) the burn-out point. And the key to solving this problem is structuring, not planning free time. Here’s what you need to know.

How can a simple downtime annoy people?

A recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that thinking of relaxation or leisure time as a waste of time can reduce happiness.

“While work can provide meaning and a sense of purpose in life, leisure activities such as time with family and friends, hobbies and exercise make our lives happy and healthy,” says Dr. Gabriela Tonietto , associate professor of marketing at Rutgers Business. School – Newark and New Brunswick and the author of the study said in a press release .

But, as it turns out, not everyone sees value in fun activities. “There is a general consensus that these activities are a waste of time — at the expense of their own happiness,” Tonietto explains. “We believe that leisure is a waste, so the time spent in leisure becomes less enjoyable.”

How to structure downtime

This is where things can get complicated. Someone who finds it difficult to afford a little free time may then see the need to schedule every minute of the weekend or weekend to ensure maximum productivity during downtime.

It might sound like a great idea at first, but no one needs the added stress of keeping up with the agenda during the time they need to give themselves a break. So, instead of a tight and tough route of continuous activities, estimate the amount of time you have – whether it’s two hours or two days – and think about what you really enjoy doing.

Give yourself several options for what might work in the time you have, and keep in mind that it doesn’t (and ideally shouldn’t), including achieving a specific goal during that time. For example, if you love to knit, don’t set yourself a task like finishing a scarf in a certain amount of time.

Or let’s say you have a day off. Maybe you want to start the day with a slight stretch and then grab a cup of coffee while sitting outside, and you don’t mind reading a book that you love but never have time for. It’s great, and you can definitely do it, but you don’t feel the need to stick to a schedule. And if you don’t reach the book (or don’t reach), it’s okay – this is your free time.


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