Turn Disappointing Peaches Into Savory Ginger Cucumbers

It’s autumn now, and it’s time to shift gears in terms of production. Every tomato, every ear of corn, every stone fruit you buy is now a gamble. Of course, you can get one of the latest sweet peaches or nectarines ( which are also peaches ), but the likelihood that this will happen decreases every day.

This does not mean that you should stop trying, especially when these peaches and nectarines are on the market. Even if you find yourself saddled with a few dull stone fruits, it’s not a big loss – you can use these babes to make savory pickles.

Pickled peaches are a classic of the south, but they usually include cloves and cinnamon, which are not my favorite pickle flavors (I’m not at all a Southerner in that regard). I like my pickled peaches to be sour, spicy and slightly salty; and I love to eat them with butter, juicy cheeses, stews and hearty grain bowls. (I also like to add leftover brine to cocktails, it’s beautiful and tasty.)

You can of course add cinnamon and cloves if you like. I will not stop you. All I can do is provide my basic peach marinade recipe and invite you to try it. To make these peach pickles you will need:

  • 3 peaches or nectarines, cut into 16 slices
  • 1 1/2 cups white vinegar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 1 2-inch slice of ginger, cut into thin slices
  • 3 bay leaves

Place the chopped peaches in three full jars. (If you only have one peach, cut the recipe in half; you will have some extra pickle, but that’s okay.) Add the remaining ingredients to the saucepan and bring to a boil. Let it brew for 30 seconds, then pour the brine over the peaches and spread the ginger and bay leaves over the jars. Close the jars loosely and let them come to room temperature, then close the lids and place them in the refrigerator. After you cool down, enjoy cheese, meats, grains, or whatever you usually eat with pickles.


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