How to Know If You Need a Telescope or Binoculars to See Interesting Things in Space

When people think of astronomy – even amateur astronomy in their backyard – the first thing that comes to mind is a telescope. And that makes sense given what we see professionals use in observatories, and they’ve become pop culture shorthand for a person (usually a child or young adult) who is in science or is generally considered smart and curious.

But telescopes aren’t the only option when it comes to gazing at the stars or enjoying the night sky in general: there are certain situations where binoculars aren’t just convenient – they’re the best option. Basically, it all comes down to what you are looking at and what exactly you are trying to see. Here’s what you need to know.

Differences between telescopes and binoculars

This is not a competition, but it is helpful to look at the differences between telescopes and binoculars in terms of what they can (and cannot) do to improve your view of the night sky. In an article for The Conversation, Dr. Silas Laycock, professor of astronomy at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, discusses this:


  • Shows at high magnification one small portion of the sky, often turned upside down and back.
  • It takes practice to get used to using only one eye
  • The image must be absolutely still in order to see very small, highly magnified objects, which is why telescopes are mounted on tripods.
  • Used for more accurate scientific astronomy


  • Essentially, “two telescopes bolted together”
  • Provides a brighter, more detailed 3D view of the sky.
  • More convenient and compact than telescopes
  • More affordable

When to use a telescope or binoculars

It depends on what you’re trying to see, according to Laycock. Telescopes are preferred when you are trying to capture as much light as possible from distant bodies, such as galaxies. They are also best suited for observing something small, like Saturn’s rings or Jupiter’s clouds, he said.

On the other hand, binoculars are best for large fields of view, says Laycock . This includes observing objects such as the star fields of the Milky Way or the glow of young stars in the Orion Nebula.


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