How to Paint a Ceiling Without Applying Paint Everywhere, Including on Yourself
When you think about painting a room, chances are you have an idea of freshening up the walls or changing the color. But ceilings are another type of canvas that can change the feel of an entire room.
And just because painting a ceiling may not be a top priority when decorating a room, that doesn’t mean it should be thought about later or casually in a hurry. Not to mention, it presents some unique challenges due to gravity and the fact that it sits above you.
But painting the ceiling doesn’t have to make a lot of clutter and is relatively easy if you know what you are doing. Luckily, Dee Schlotter, National Brand Manager for PPG The Voice of Color Program , shared some tips for getting the job done in an article on with Elizabeth Lilly. Here’s what you need to know.
How to paint the ceiling
First, you need paint. Instead of using the default white, Schlotter suggests painting the ceiling a shade lighter or darker than the walls for something else. Whichever color you choose, determine how much paint you need by measuring the square footage of the room. The label on the spray can tell you how much it covers – which Schlotter says is typically 300 to 450 square feet.
Then prepare the room the way you would normally paint – by removing everything from the road or covering it. If possible, remove all ceiling lights. It’s also time to stick any blue tape you want around the ceiling lights that you can’t move, or where the ceiling meets the wall.
It’s time to paint. Step on the ladder and start at the edges of the ceiling. Schlotter recommends creating a border two to three inches wide. Once this is done, place your feet back on the floor and use an extension arm roller to finish the job.
Using diagonal or zigzag strokes, divide the room into 4 by 4 inches. After it is coated, go over the section again with long strokes to make sure the coverage is even, explains Schlotter . Then move to the adjacent section of the ceiling, taking the time to blend it into the edge of the section you just painted before it has time to dry completely.
Once you’ve covered the entire ceiling, give the room a uniform look by applying finishing strokes in the same direction, working along the ceiling, Schlotter adds .