How to Teach Yourself to Try (and Love) New Food

Picky food isn’t just for kids. Many adults avoid certain ingredients or foods for various reasons. Whether you grew up somewhere that didn’t have a wide variety of foods, grew up in a culture or religion that kept you away from certain foods, or simply hated olives, there are simple ways you can expand your tasting experience – if want to.

Take the opportunity to try new products for a cheap price

Without exaggeration, you can taste millions of dishes. You will never try them all, but if you want to try a few, we first recommend doing so in a way that doesn’t ruin you financially. Don’t order a whole plate of unfamiliar food at a new restaurant or drop serious money if you’re not used to it. If you hate it, you will end up hungry and a little poorer than you were just a few minutes ago. Plus, you might even get a little offended that doesn’t cause you to ditch your sampling plan so much.

Instead, try new products when they’re cheap or free. At the party, be sure to try all the snacks and ask what is specific about them. To keep yourself hydrated, perhaps ask what they have in them after you taste them, unless you have any allergies or food restrictions.

Think about the buffet too! As we adjust to our new lifestyle after the pandemic, some buffets are making a triumphant return, albeit with new security restrictions. A flat rate meal that allows you to choose from a variety of ready-made meals is ideal for tasting new flavors without spending too much money.

Do it yourself

Sometimes when you want to get something done right, you have to do it yourself – in life and in the kitchen. When you cook dinner, make it a goal to eat at least one new dish, even if everything else you cook that evening comes from your tried-and-true recipe change.

“I love to cook,” said Matt McClain, a 33-year-old Brooklyn resident who admits to being very picky about food. “It’s something that can keep me in the habit of eating the same thing every day, but it’s something that also allows me to try new things and new tastes. I can really understand how I can cook what I doubt so that it is more accessible to my taste. “

Gini Patratiranond, director of app marketing for Cheffe , agrees. She thinks that if you are nervous about new foods, you should prepare them yourself. There are some super-simple recipes in the app that could open the door to new, richer flavors such as garlic ricotta pizza, creamy white beans and spinach quesadillas, and butter chicken and zucchini with jasmine rice. You will find other recipes on the Internet, and if you see the ingredients, you can make informed choices about what to try, which will ease your anxiety a bit.

With this approach, be mindful of your own culinary skills. If the recipe is too complex for your skill level, you may end up doing something rude or giving it up altogether. The Patrathiranond app lets you combine recipes and then calculates the exact steps you need to take to keep all your meals ready and hot at the same time so nothing is cold or unappetizing. McClain, meanwhile, offers to watch cooking shows to see the professionals do it. It “helps a lot,” he said.

“You see how delicious food is prepared and eaten, and it really helped me become more willing to try new things,” he said.

Visit new places

McClain recently moved from California to New York and began “dating someone more knowledgeable about food types” than himself, he said. Getting to know New York City’s varied food – a combination of different cultural and regional dishes – helped him overcome his pickiness.

You don’t need to buy a one-way ticket across the country to discover new flavors and dishes. But when you are all-still traveling, tune in to the food-minded and curious. Always try the dishes and cuisines that your destination is famous for. When traveling by road, international adventures, family visits, or business trips, keep in mind that your goal is to expand your taste. Traveling can be stressful, so a fun side quest that complements the real purpose of your trip is rewarding in many ways.

Try new restaurants closer to home. Don’t stick with what you know just because you know it. No matter where you live, we bet there is something delicious nearby that you haven’t tried yet.

Do not give up

At some point, you will definitely eat what you hate, but it is better to know and avoid this food in the future than not to try at all. Don’t let bad experiences discourage you from finding new products you love.

“Give each new food, flavor or meal at least a couple of samples before deciding whether you like it or not,” Patratiranond said. “Many ingredients that are cooked differently taste completely different. So you may not like boiled carrots, but then you find that you love fried carrots. “

McClain says the same: “Food can always be delicious, so I try to keep this in mind while trying new things. I will also try several times. Everything deserves a second chance. “


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