How to Accept Daily Verbal Affirmations Without Feeling Foolish (and Why You Should)

You have probably heard that a small positive self-talk is the power, and that the statements can be really useful … but not everybody likes it. And that’s okay. Affirmations can still be helpful to you, even if you find it silly to include them in your daily life. Let’s figure it out.

What is this statement?

An affirmation is exactly what it sounds like: when you say or repeat something to yourself, you are affirming something — usually something good. The idea is that if you consciously think, say, or repeat a positive, hopeful, or inspiring statement over and over again, you will subconsciously begin to believe it and act on it as if it were a fact. This is in line with the Law of Attraction – by waiting and opening up to good things, they will come – the general idea that positivity breeds positivity.

You can choose any statement that works best for you and your unique situation. Use it before a big job interview or date, when you’re at the gym, when you’re with a difficult family member, or when you need extra support.

Take a few deep breaths, focus on your statement, and say it firmly to yourself. For example, before asking your boss for a raise, repeat to yourself, “ I’m skilled and experienced enough to make more money and confident enough to ask for it.”

Where can I find confirmation?

First of all, you can come up with your own affirmations whenever you want, provided that you adhere to the principle of repeating them to yourself and working in order to believe in them and act on them. Specific statements are great for unique situations you might find yourself in.

You can also find a number of statements online. A good place to start is TikTok, where you’ve probably already heard one of the most common statements.

Young Baby Tate’s “I Am”, assisted by Flo Milli, was a huge hit on this platform. Why? This is a whole statement. The chorus reads like this: “I’m healthy. I’m rich. I’m rich. I’m that bitch. I’ll go get my bag and won’t take your shit. They protect me, they respect me. I am the queen. I am a dream. I really want, I want to do, and I am who I want to be, because I am me. “

Is it right there? This is a master class on claims. Sing this chorus to yourself if you want to start, but don’t think you can write your own for now.

If you don’t like TikTok, take a look at Instagram, where you will find a lot of confirmation. There are some accounts that are meant for jokes and include phrases like “I’m not hiding in bed this weekend” and “I’m a big boss,” but of course there is some truth behind every joke, so if they help you, hug them. (Putting it all together now: I will not discredit useful statements just because they are satirical …)

Other Instagram accounts are pretty serious. Michell K. Clarke , a 31-year-old man from Virginia, has about 60,000 followers who follow his claims, including, “I am allowed to outgrow humans. I am allowed to outgrow the situation. I am allowed to outgrow the version of myself. “

He told Lifehacker that he first started writing affirmations when I was dropped from college in 2012, shortly before graduation.

“A lot of people cheered for me when I was in college. Coming home without a degree and without a plan was one of the most humiliating and isolating experiences of my life. At the time, I didn’t know what those affirmations were, but they helped me maintain a positive inner monologue when there was not much positive around me, ”he said.

If you can think of them, great. If you find affirmations on the Internet that you like, great. The point is that you use them and don’t feel strange about it. All it takes to get up is what you need to do. As Clarke proves, everyone has obstacles and disadvantages in life, but everyone can overcome them. You are not alone and you will get through it all.

Get rid of negative thoughts of “stupidity”

You shouldn’t feel stupid using affirmations. First, no one should know but you. Secondly, everyone indulges in something that some may think is stupid, from astrology to prayers and superstitions. Recalibrating your subconscious thoughts can be beneficial to you, so don’t waste time doing it.

“Stop thinking about feeling stupid as bad,” added Clarke. “There is nothing wrong with stupidity. Many of us care too much about what other people think of us, and this prevents us from being the best. You cannot achieve your goal and focus on impressing other people at the same time. You have to get rid of the fear of being judged. “

I am not a fool to use practices that will make me feel positive, strong, and self-aware. I am cool, funny and I know how to argue . See? Light.


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