How Not to Be an Asshole in a Coffee Shop, According to a Barista

Millions of people order coffee from cafes, specialty stores and megasets every day. It has become a normal part of our life – a routine. But routine breeds comfort and familiarity, and we’ve all seen people go too far in that comfort and familiarity – and that turns them into the type of customer that no barista wants to serve.

Some people are perfectly okay to do all sorts of terrible things to people who make drinks for them: chase down baristas they think are cute, complain loudly (or Yelp) about prices, or call a manager to testify to a hot temper. hysterical due to imaginary frivolity. I interviewed three baristas for this article, and luckily they all agree that the worst customers are outliers: 90–95% of their interactions are positive. But even good clients sometimes do stupid things, and it’s not hard to avoid them. Here’s a complete guide to not ruining your barista’s day.

Don’t carry emotional baggage to baristas

We are not really talking about coffee. Landon, a barista at a small specialty café in Athens, Georgia, knows this better than anyone; they used to run Starbucks. “Every terrible client I’ve ever had [this person] needs something completely different. They say that interaction was just the tip of the iceberg of what they had to go through, ”they say. “Attacking us means having some leeway in matters of mental health, economic problems, family problems.”

If you’re having a shitty day, month, decade, whatever, trust me – your barista can tell and they’ll figure it out. To be honest, chances are good that we have seen worse. (Much, much worse.) But that doesn’t give you the right to blame them for your anger and frustration. Before you even walk through the door, take a second to understand how you feel, so as not to say what you regret.

Look at the menu (and atmosphere) before ordering

Christopher Lewis, a veteran of the coffee industry with 15 years of experience, which currently owns a shop Scullery in the San Francisco Tenderloin , says Lifehacker, which is one of the worst things that can make the buyer – is to waltz to the bar without looking at the menu , and place an order. what they don’t have.

“[As a store owner] you are trying to tell a story in your space,” he says. “Everything is set up in a certain way so that [customers] can say what [they] will get when [they] walk in. For people to be oblivious to the aesthetics, limited menus and the like – [it’s] difficult to deal with. “

In other words, you don’t just ignore the menu – you ignore everything else that makes the store unique. So, before you do that, ask yourself: where am I? Is this Starbucks? A corner shop? Independent specialty store? What kind of vibes come from the layout and decor – and most importantly, what’s on the menu? It sounds elementary, but noticing these things matters.

Ask the barista for advice

You walk into a new coffee shop, immerse yourself in the atmosphere, read the menu – and still don’t know what to order. Great news: your barista can help! This is literally their job. All you have to do is trust them. A simple, helpful way to demonstrate trust is to ask for help in the right direction. Don’t just ask, “What do you recommend?” with zero context – give them a reason to continue.

Naomi, a barista currently based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, says, “Tell me what you like. What flavor characteristics do you like? If you go to Starbucks, what are you drinking there? Working on this is a good start. “

Christopher agrees: “If [customer says] ‘I like this, what should I try? “It’s a good interaction. … For the most part, it’s a dream. “

He adds that as a customer he will order “almost anything” on the recommendation of the barista, not only because he appreciates the effort, but also because he’s just curious : “I try to be as open-minded as possible. I want someone to tell me something; I want to learn, ”he says.

Stay curious – and always be respectful

All three baristas agree that this curiosity is an underestimated trait of customers. “Being a barista is a lot like being a bartender, because we have knowledge that the client doesn’t have. … Showing curiosity and respect [for this knowledge] goes a long way, ”explains Landon.

But respect is more than just saying “Please” and “Thank you.” Since the coronavirus pandemic is still relevant, respecting your barista could mean you suck him off and put on a mask when asked to do so.

“Every store has a policy – no shoes, no shirt, no service. The mask is another thing, says Naomi. “[Why] so much noise to [put it on], but then do it anyway … and then sort of rip off the mask right on my face after you pay?” This behavior indicates a complete lack of politeness towards service workers, and this worries her.

Another great way to show respect is to pick up (or better yet, ask) and use your barista’s pronouns. “If I say:“ They will drink at the end! “And [customer] was like,” Cool, will she drink me? ” I’m like, “No! Listen! Like, take it! “Says Landon. “Now I have to correct this person, trying to catch up.” Using the correct pronouns is free, easy, and doesn’t bother you in any way – so just do it.

Generous tips – and cash

Tipping big and fat is hard to beat when it comes to respecting service workers , and Naomi says if you can’t or don’t want to tip, you should stay at home. “The workers rely on their advice. If you can’t support [the staff], don’t show up, ”she says dryly. Regarding the format of the tip, she reaffirms that cash is key: Owners must tip their credit card to the IRS, but the cash goes straight into your barista’s pocket.

To be a good coffee shop buyer, you need to develop a curious and respectful attitude. Do this and the reward will return in kind.

“When people are sweet, curious and open to how we do things, often my colleagues are willing to do so much for them,” says Landon. Whether it’s a new favorite drink or a stunning restaurant recommendation, baristas know what it is: “We are like keepers of secrets. We have a wealth of local knowledge. “

Some of these secrets may soon be yours – the only way to find out is to be good.


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